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Eric Bailly, d’une banlieue d’Abidjan au « théâtre des rêves » de Manchester United

LeMonde / Afrique - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:25
Recruté par José Mourinho à Manchester United, Eric Bailly devient le premier joueur ivoirien à porter le maillot des Red Devils.
Catégories: Afrique

La politique étrangère européenne : quel bilan ?

Toute l'Europe - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:17
Voici un bilan inédit de l’action de l’Union européenne en matière de politique étrangère. A la fois ample et précis, Maxime Lefebvre sait distinguer l’essentiel de l’accessoire. Il brosse un tableau nuancé et dynamique. Voici un document de référence pour qui veut avoir une vue d’ensemble de la politique étrangère de l’UE. En partenariat avec le Diploweb.com, nous publions un extrait de son article.
Catégories: Union européenne

South Sudan security personnel fire at students of Juba University

Sudan Tribune - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:16

June 13, 2016 (JUBA) - South Sudan's national security forces have been accused of firing live bullets at University of Juba students during an election organized by students to nominate the guild president of the University.

University of Juba (File photo )

The shooting took place at 8:00 pm on Monday, forcing many of the students who have attended the occasion to flee from the scene.

A Juba University student identified himself as Deng has told Sudan Tribune over phone interview that a group of national security personnel broke into the University premise and intimidated students before they could fire bullets.

He claimed as the election was ongoing, groups of students allied to the President Salva Kiir's faction of the transitional government went out and brought some militants from the national security to force students out of the hall and called for electoral committee to remain behind with all casted votes.

Deng further explained that the arrival of the national security at the venue threatened students and those responsible for students' body leadership election.

He said students were intimidated, calling for their arrest, as they waited for electoral results declaration. Although students insisted to continue with the push of results declaration, he added, the group of the national security personnel started to scare the students through use of live bullets, fired randomly into the air.

Several other sources told Sudan Tribune that there was a disagreement between university students who are supporters of the armed opposition leader, the First Vice President, Riek Machar and those supporting President Salva Kiir.

Puot Kang, a member of Sudan People Liberation Movement armed opposition, and chairman of the armed Youths league, has also confirmed that students were forced out of University of Juba on Monday evening.

He said as students conducted a peaceful election on the top seat of students leader at the University, the group of the national security drove into the venue and surrounded the premises.

Kang said the involvement of the national security in the students' activities meant violation of South Sudanese transitional constitution for freedom of assembly and expression.

“We need to respect all citizens' rights in freedom of assembly. It is not acceptable for the national security to interfere with other people's right of expression,” he said over phone interview with Sudan Tribune.

Kang further explained that the SPLM-IO led by Machar is now the main peace partner in South Sudan's peace agreement, adding that they have condemned the students' provocation by the national security forces.

Last week a group of students were arrested at Juba University because of having allegedly supported of the armed opposition groups.


Catégories: Africa

Burundi turns to WhatsApp as political turmoil brings media blackout

Crisisgroup - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:04
Burundi’s year-long crisis has not gone away. It started with President Pierre Nkurunziza’s determination to claim a third term, trampling over the constitutional arrangements that ended a decade-long civil war. Press freedom is a major casualty of the new strife; but the turmoil has also transformed the way in which Burundians get information. For better or worse, social media has filled the vacuum left by the shutting down of the most popular radio stations and forcing out of many of the country’s professional journalists.

Indulhat a tervezés a britek nélküli unióra

Eurológus - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:03
Az EU vezetői rendkívüli találkozókat tervez a jövő pénteki brit népszavazás utánra. A felmérések alapján valószínű a kilépés.

Indulhat a tervezés a britek nélküli unióra

EU Pályázati Portál - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:03
Az EU vezetői rendkívüli találkozókat tervez a jövő pénteki brit népszavazás utánra. A felmérések alapján valószínű a kilépés.
Catégories: Pályázatok

Qatar convicts Dutch alledged rape victim for extramarital sex

The European Political Newspaper - mar, 14/06/2016 - 11:00
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A Doha court convicted a 22-year old Dutch woman that reported her rape for adultery on Monday. She is to pay a €710 fine and was convicted to one year prison.

The woman was apparently raped in February and reported the crime. Qatari authorities placed Laura on trial for her “extramarital sex” {rape} without seeking to secure evidence against her alleged rapist. Dutch media reported she was later pressed to marry her alleged rapist.

The sentence will be suspended and Laura will be deported, AFP reports.

The woman denied the charge of having “sex” outside marriage.

The alleged rapist is Omar Abdullah al-Hasan; he was sentenced to 100 lashes for “illicit sex” – not rape – and 40 lashes for drinking alcohol. He will undergo a medical examination to see whether he can withstand the punishment. But, he will serve no time in prison and could get away with rape. Being of Syrian descent, he will be deported; he insists he paid the woman for sex and that it was consensual.

The Dutch embassy will help the 22-years old woman to leave Qatar.

Qatar will host the football World Cup in 2022. Western tourists visiting Qatar for the event could be in grave danger if unfamiliar with the “rule of law” in the emirate. In 2013, a Norwegian woman in the United Arab Emirates received a 16-month sentence for extramarital rape and drinking alcohol. She was later pardoned and allowed to return to Norway. An Australian suffered the same fate in 2008.

At least 45 people have been convicted of sex outside marriage since 2009 according to international media reports.

The Dutch woman had been to Doha for vacations with a friend and went clubbing in a hotel where alcohol is allowed. Her lawyer, Brian Lokollo, says the victim suspects her drink was spiked. She woke up in a strange apartment realizing she had been raped.

(AP, AFP, BBC, DW, DutchNews.nl)

The post Qatar convicts Dutch alledged rape victim for extramarital sex appeared first on New Europe.

Catégories: European Union

Professor Theodore Couloumbis writes about Greece and the European normalisation in the Sunday edition of Kathimerini, 12/06/2016

ELIAMEP - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:47

You can read here the article on Greece and the European normalisation, which was written by Professor Emeritus and Member of the Board of Trustees of ELIAMEP Theodore Couloumbis. This commentary was published on 12 June 2016 in the Sunday edition of Kathimerini. It is available in Greek.

BCT (Banque Centrale de Tunisie)

Jeune Afrique / Finance - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:47

Cet article BCT (Banque Centrale de Tunisie) est apparu en premier sur JeuneAfrique.com.

Catégories: Afrique

Togo : Les prisons togolaises pourront-elles se remplir pour cause d’impayés des bénéficiaires de l’Accès des pauvres aux produits financiers (APSEF) ?

Togo Actualités - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:41

Les prisons togolaises pourront-elles se remplir pour cause d’impayés des bénéficiaires de l’Accès des pauvres aux produits financiers (APSEF) ? Parce que la situation sociale et la mévente généralisée couplée avec la cherté des produits risquent de rendre beaucoup d’entre ces bénéficiaires insolvables. Du coup, connaissant les ambitions de l’initiatrice du FNFI à peindre l’état des remboursements en rose, il ne serait pas surprenant d’apprendre que des convocations sont adressées à des bénéficiaires insolvables.
Mais comment peut-on être insolvable avec si peu de montants, se demanderaient certains. Justement, parce que les crédits sont insignifiants, la probabilité que deux ou trois jours de mévente précipitent l’activité est très grande. Et puis, des crédits insignifiants, parlons-en !
Au Togo, le Salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti (SMIG) est passé de 13.500 F à 35.000 F après avoir stagné pendant des années à 28.500 F. Ce qui veut dire que 35.000 F est le salaire le plus bas qu’on puisse payer pour rémunérer un travail effectué au bout d’un mois. Mais quand Victoire Marie-Noëlle Djidudu Tomégah-Dogbé décide d’octroyer moins de ce Smig à des foyers pour entreprendre des activités génératrices de revenu avec l’obligation d’épargner 5% et de payer 5% en sus comme intérêts, on se demande pourquoi elle ne rameute pas toutes ses sœurs de son « mon beau village » autour de l’APSEF.
Récemment, on a appris que les initiateurs du Fnfi ont signé un accord avec une compagnie d’assurance, non pas pour protéger les bénéficiaires, mais pour se protéger au cas où ceux-là trépasseraient ou seraient frappés de on ne sait quoi. Mais on doit s’y attendre, ce seraient encore les bénéficiaires qui seraient mis à contribution. En récapitulant, on se demande jusqu’où certains veulent pousser la mendicité des Togolais. Il ressort au moins de cette situation quelques points évidents : si « Da Victo » se vante de compter autant de bénéficiaires qui ont contracté ce prêt, c’est une reconnaissance qu’au Togo, la pauvreté n’est pas un fantasme, mais un fait réel. Et si son ambition est de porter les chiffres actuels vers des sommets, alors il apparaît que le nombre de pauvres ne fait qu’augmenter chaque année. Ceci est une déduction logique des ambitions de la « 2X5 ». Pauvres Togolais pauvres !
source : Liberté


Cet article Togo : Les prisons togolaises pourront-elles se remplir pour cause d’impayés des bénéficiaires de l’Accès des pauvres aux produits financiers (APSEF) ? est apparu en premier sur Togoactualite.

Catégories: Afrique

Artikel - So funktioniert das Europäische Semester

Europäisches Parlament (Nachrichten) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:38
Allgemeines : Am Dienstag (14.6.) veranstalten der Wirtschafts- und Währungsausschuss und der Beschäftigungsausschuss eine Aussprache zum Europäischen Semester 2016. Das Europäische Semester ist ein jährlicher Zyklus, der der Überwachung und Koordinierung der Haushalts-, Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungspolitik der EU-Mitgliedstaaten dient. Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten erhalten Empfehlungen, die sie bei der Festlegung ihrer nationalen Haushalte für das folgende Jahr berücksichtigen. Sehen Sie dazu unser Video.

Quelle : © Europäische Union, 2016 - EP
Catégories: Europäische Union

Július végéig lehet pályázni Alsószinevér hivatalos jelképeinek megtervezésére

Kárpátalja.ma (Ukrajna/Kárpátalja) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:34

Márciusban hirdette meg az Alsószinevéri Községi Tanács a falu címerének és zászlajának, valamint himnuszának a megalkotására kiírt pályázatot, melyre július 31-ig várják a jelentkezőket – adta hírül a zakarpattya.net.ua hírportál.

A legjobbnak ítélt pályaművek továbbjutnak a verseny második szakaszába, melynek keretében a lakosok augusztus 8-tól 26-ig szavazhatnak az alkotásokra. Augusztus 27-én dolgozzák fel a voksolás eredményeit, majd másnap, a községi tanács ülésén hagyják jóvá a település hivatalos jelképeit.

A győztes pályázók, azaz a falu címerének és zászlajának tervezője, illetve a községi himnusz szövegének és zenéjének szerzője öt-ötezer hrivnya pénzjutalomban részesül.


Policiers tués : «Une menace terroriste de très grande importance», selon Hollande

LeParisien / Politique - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:34
Le couple de policiers abattu lundi soir à Magnanville, dans les Yvelines, a été «lâchement assassiné par un terroriste. C'est un acte incontestablement terroriste», assure ce mardi matin le président...
Catégories: France

Article - Semestre européen : coordonner les politiques économiques des États membres

Parlement européen (Nouvelles) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:31
Général : Ce mardi 14 juin, les députés de la commission des affaires économiques et monétaires et de l’emploi et des affaires sociales se réunissent pour débattre du semestre européen 2016. Ce processus, qui vise à coordonner les politiques économiques et budgétaires des différents États membres, définit des recommandations spécifiques à chaque pays à inclure lors de l’élaboration des budgets nationaux. Celles-ci peuvent avoir un impact sur la fiscalité, le marché du travail ou le régime des retraites.

Source : © Union européenne, 2016 - PE
Catégories: Union européenne

Női résztvevője is volt a kárpátaljai kaszásversenynek

Kárpátalja.ma (Ukrajna/Kárpátalja) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:30

Sikerrel zárult a huszti járási Velétén (Veljatin) rendezett kaszásfesztivál – tette közzé a Novini Zakarpattya hírportál június 12-én.

A rendezvény központi eseménye a kaszások versenye volt, melyen tizenegyen vettek részt, köztük egy női jelentkező. A zsűri főként a gyorsaságot és a minőséget értékelte, de figyelembe vette a kaszasuhintás technikáját is. A versenyt végül Ivan Petras nyerte.

A fesztiválra érkező vendégek hagyományos ételeket kóstolhattak, különböző kézműves mesterségeket próbálhattak ki, s az egybegyűltek szórakoztatásáról népi együttesek gondoskodtak.


Commission’s proposal on Dublin system reform: retouching mechanisms maintaining status quo.

EU-Logos Blog - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:30

Over the past two years, the debate concerning the reform of the Dublin Regulation has gained political attention, as the so-called refugee crisis keep has increasingly revealed several flaws in the functionality of the system. This was at the heart of the Commission’s Agenda on Migration and of the European Parliament’s Resolution of 29 April 2015.

More specifically, the main problem lies in the criteria for determining the State responsible for the receipt and the processing of an asylum claim.

On April 6th, the European Commission issued a Communication called “Towards a reform of the Common European Asylum System and enhancing legal avenues to Europe”, which contains several references of the need for reforming the current rules established by the Dublin Regulation.

In this, the European Commission suggested two possible pathways for reforming the Dublin Regulation. The first proposal was similar to one made in September 2015, and introduced a permanent system of emergency relocation, which consisted of a corrective mechanism. However, the criterion of the state of first entry would not have been modified in this case.

The second proposal was more radical because it would decisively change the criterion of the state of first entry, since the responsibility would be allocated on the basis of a so-called “distribution key”, which takes into account certain factors like the size and the wealth of the Member State. This means that, on this basis, asylum seekers would have to be allocated to a Member State when they apply for international protection in the EU according to an evaluation of the economical and social availability of the Member State to. On May 5th the Commission finally came up with a proposal concerning the reform of the Common European Asylum System, which also contained a partial reform of the Dublin System.

In this article, we are going to analyse the main aspects of the final proposal, underscoring the major critical points related to the Dublin rules.

Since its inception, the Dublin system has been concerned with tackling two phenomena related to migration and asylum requests: the so-called “refugee in orbit” and “asylum shopping”. However, it has failed to fulfil its goals, on top of which it has also created several problems for Member States in charge of the control of external borders, notably because of the criteria of allocation of responsibility.

It is important to note that, according to the Dublin III Regulation, the criteria for determining the competent State for the receipt and the treatment of an asylum claim is, in order of priority:

  1. The competent State is the State where family members of the asylum seeker regularly reside.
  2. The competent State is the State where the asylum seeker has most recently received a visa.
  3. The competent State is the one where the asylum seeker has entered the EU for the first time, irregularly or regularly.

As often declared by the Commission, the Dublin rules were not initially conceived for setting up a fair and supportive system. The goal was only to quickly come up with a way to establish the competent State. The lack of fairness and solidarity is one of the main reasons of the failure of the system and the urgent need to recast it.

Indeed, the aim of the Commission’s current proposal is to establish a fairer, more efficient and more sustainable system based on solidarity.

As first Vice-President Timmermans has declared: « We know that people will keep arriving at our borders and ask for asylum, and we will need to make sure those who need protection receive it. Yet we have seen during this crisis how just a few Member States were placed under incredible strain because of the shortcomings of the present system, which was not designed to deal with situations of this kind. There’s simply no way around it: whenever a Member State is overwhelmed, there must be solidarity and a fair sharing of responsibility within the EU. This is what our proposal of today is meant to ensure. »

Similarly, the Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has said: « If the current refugee crisis has shown one thing: it is that the status quo of our Common European Asylum System is not an option. The time has come for a reformed and more equitable system, based on common rules and a fairer sharing of responsibility. With the proposed reform of the Dublin system today we are taking a major step in the right direction and putting in place the European-level structures and tools necessary for a future-proof comprehensive system. We must turn these proposals into reality as swiftly as possible. »

According to the current proposal, the new system will assure transparency and effectiveness, given the following provisions:

– A corrective allocation mechanism (the so-called fairness mechanism) will be able to determine whether a country is handling a disproportionate number of asylum requests. This will be calculated on the basis of a country’s size and wealth. If the number of asylum requests exceeds 150% of the reference number, all further applications will be relocated.

– Shorter time limits for Dublin procedures: this provision will apply to the applicability of the illegal entry criterion and the deadline to send a transfer request. Moreover, the so-called “shift of responsibility” (art 19 Dublin III regulation) will be removed.

These provisions have raised much criticism, most of which is related to the fact that the main criteria have not modified at all. As professor Marcello di Filippo said during a debate in Brussels, “why providing a corrective mechanism instead of changing the main criteria, which is also the principal critical issue about the Dublin system?”

Furthermore, the proposal contains several human rights related issues. First of all, art. 16 of the proposal provides that non-compliance has to be sanctioned, which means that the procedures have to be carried out more quickly and that the asylum seeker is not entitled to the reception conditions according to art. 14 of Directive 2013/33/EU.

Furthermore, the Commission also proposes a limit on the scope of the right of appeal to systemic deficiencies of the system or for family reasons.

Moreover, according to the proposal, these provisions shall be applied to beneficiaries of international protection as well, which would mean a restriction of rights, especially the rights of free movement.

Finally, the proposal envisions that, in case of absence of family members or relatives, the country of first entry is the one in charge of the examination of an asylum request of an unaccompanied minor. This provision is highly problematic with regards to the assessment of the best interest of the child, which should be taken into account before every decision concerning unaccompanied children and minors.

Ultimately, two positive changes can be observed:

– The extension of the definition of family members to siblings and the abolition of the necessity that family has to exist in the country of origin.

– The reduction of the duration of detention to 6 weeks (currently the system allows a maximum of 12 weeks.)

Francesca Rondine


For further information:


Classé dans:Conditions d'accueil des migrants et réfugiés, DROITS FONDAMENTAUX, MIGRATIONS ET ASILE
Catégories: Union européenne

Harmadik alkalommal tüntetett a Támogasd az RTV-t

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:30
Harmadik alkalommal szervezett tüntetést Újvidék utcáin a Támogasd az RTV-t (#podržiRTV) elnevezésű mozgalom a médiaházban történt leváltások miatt.

"Une liste de cibles" retrouvée sur le tueur des deux policiers

France24 / France - mar, 14/06/2016 - 10:23
Un policier et sa compagne ont été tués, lundi, en région parisienne, par un individu se réclamant du groupe État islamique. François Hollande a dénoncé un "acte incontestablement terroriste". Retrouvez l'évolution de l'enquête sur notre liveblog.
Catégories: France
