The issue features pieces looking at this issue from a variety of angles, including articles on ‘ideas, political-social norms and emotions as mobilization mechanisms,’ ‘hybrid civil Society in Ukraine,’ ‘the outcomes of using non-state actors in civil conflicts’ and ‘Paramilitary motivation in Ukraine.’ A number of the articles are free to access as well for a limited time.
You can find more information here.Nowadays Islamic finance is gradually becoming an important part of the international financial system. During the ongoing financial crisis, the role of Islamic finance for the stabilisation of the international financial system appears to be strong and promising due to its ethical principles and religious foundation. This analysis focuses both on the quantitative and qualitative examples of the economic upheaval in the Eurozone and Greece and explores the prospects of introducing and developing possible prospects of Islamic finance in the Greek economy.
Working Paper 74/2016: Embracing Islamic Finance in Greece: A preliminary analysis
Author: Dr Evangelos Venetis
On Tuesday, May 3rd at 1:00pm EST, IPI together with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia to the UN will cohost a Global Leaders Series presentation featuring H.E. Mr. Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia.
The Republic of Estonia—ranked among the most transparent democracies in the world—has become a global leader in digital governance, exemplifying ways governments can more effectively and efficiently engage with citizens. Its thriving technology sector has made Estonia one of the most wired counties in the world. At this event, Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas will discuss Estonia’s path to e-governance—from establishing necessary legal frameworks to building infrastructure—and the important role of political leadership in making such innovations possible.
As countries strive to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals, what lessons does Estonia have to share regarding how to harness the power of information technology to bridge digital divides, improve the public sector’s information and service delivery, and promote greater civil society engagement?
At this event on May 3rd, Mr. Rõivas will share insights into Estonia’s digital rise and governance. He will discuss how developing information technology can improve governance in the context of promoting political legitimacy and implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Action contre la Faim (ACF) et l’Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS) présentent “GEOTALK, improving our world’s understanding” :
Conférence du 20 avril 2016 avec Eric Sauray, politologue, avocat et enseignant à Paris XIII
On Monday, April 25th at 6:00pm EST, IPI will host a Distinguished Author Series event featuring Tarek Osman, author of Islamism: What It Means for theMiddle East and the World. The conversation will be moderated by IPI Senior Adviser for External Relations Warren Hoge.
A political, social, and cultural battle is currently raging across the Middle East. On one side are the Islamists, those who believe Islam should be the region’s primary identity. In opposition are the nationalists, secularists, royal families, military establishments, and others who view Islamism as a serious threat to national security, historical identify, and a cohesive society. Writing in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, the author addresses frontally the crucial question of whether Islamism can ever become compatible with modernity. Informed by his deep knowledge of Arab culture and history, Mr. Osman points toward what the Islamists’ future prospects will entail for the region, the West, and the rest of the world.
Tarek Osman published his prescient, best-selling book Egypt on the Brink just weeks before Egypt’s 2011 uprising. He has appeared as a commentator on most major international news networks and is a regular contributor on the Arab world and Islamism for many leading newspapers and magazines worldwide. He wrote and presented the BBC documentary series “The Making of the Modern Arab World” (2013) and “Sands of Times: A History of Saudi Arabia” (2015) and is the political counsellor for the Arab world at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He has longtime experience in strategy consulting, political economy, and investment banking and management. He studied at the American University in Cairo and at Bocconi University in Milan.
Ende November 2015 kollabierten die bis dahin vor allem auf wirtschaftlicher Ebene gedeihlichen Beziehungen zwischen Russland und der Türkei, nachdem die türkische Luftwaffe im Umfeld des Kriegs in Syrien ein russisches Militärflugzeug abgeschossen hatte. Das Zerwürfnis zwischen Moskau und Ankara beeinflusst auch die Außenpolitik der Staaten von der Schwarzmeerregion bis Zentralasien. So haben sich im ersten Quartal 2016 die Beziehungen zwischen Ankara und Kiew in Gegnerschaft zu Russland intensiviert. Als der Karabach-Konflikt im April 2016 bedrohlich aufflammte, nährte dies Spekulationen, der russisch-türkische Antagonismus habe die Eskalation im Streit zwischen Aserbaidschan und Armenien mit angetrieben. In Zentralasien stärkt Russland seit 2014 seine Machtposition in sicherheitspolitischen Regionalorganisationen. Zugleich kooperieren dort Länder wie Kasachstan in kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Bereichen mit der Türkei. Der Konflikt zwischen Moskau und Ankara stürzt einige Staaten in Russlands »nahem Ausland« in ein diplomatisches Dilemma.
On Friday, April 29th at 8:30am EST, IPI will host a Global Leaders Series presentation featuring H.E. Ms. Astrid Thors, High Commissioner on National Minorities for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Established in 1992 as a conflict prevention instrument, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities provides early warning and intervention to prevent tensions related to national minorities from escalating into conflicts. The OSCE region is facing increasingly complex security challenges, from border management issues to the recent influx of migrants, resulting in societal tensions.
In the current security context, what measures can be taken to protect national minorities and promote stability in the region? Acting in line with the Secretary-General’s “Human Rights Up Front” agenda, how can the OSCE improve its ability to detect early warning signs and take more effective measures to prevent violations of minority rights and inter-state disputes over minority issues?
At this event, Ms. Thors will address obstacles to achieving greater cohesion and stability in the OSCE region, including the tendency to securitize minority issues, nationalist movements, states’ unilateral support of their ethnic “kin” abroad, and simmering interethnic disputes in post-conflict societies. She will also discuss key aspects of her conflict prevention work, such as her promotion of robust integration policies and the protection of minority rights.
The event will be moderated by IPI Senior Adviser Warren Hoge.
The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Institure of International Economic Relation (IDOS) will organise seminars for students and professionals in May and June 2016. Seminars will be taught in Greek and the cost will be 90 EUR for students and 150 EUR for professionals. More information is available on the Greek version of ELIAMEP website.
La Fondation pour l'innovation politique souhaite relayer « The AUTOMOBILE FORUM : Mobility - Society - Technology » qui aura lieu les 25 et 26 avril 2016 à Strasbourg.
La voiture est un outil incontournable de mobilité. Déjà partagée et mutualisée, elle sera bientôt entièrement connectée et progressivement autonome. Une révolution est en cours, qui va bouleverser notre paysage routier et nos habitudes de mobilité.
Cet article 25-26 avril 2016 : « The AUTOMOBILE FORUM : Mobility – Society – Technology » est apparu en premier sur Fondapol.