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Sanders meets Clinton to discuss the policies of unity

The European Political Newspaper - mar, 14/06/2016 - 15:51
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Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are expected to meet on Tuesday to discuss the road to a unified Democratic front before next month’s party convention in Philadelphia, AP reports.

Washington DC goes to the polls on Tuesday, June 14, in what is the last encounter in a primary that has already yielded Hillary Clinton as a presumptive nominee.

The Vermont senator is committed to preventing Donald Trump from becoming the next President but his endorsement of Clinton will have policy strings attached. Sanders wants from Clinton an unequivocal commitment to his policy agenda.

Speaking to NBC, the Vermont Senator says the meeting will allow him to explore her commitment to “working families and the middle class, moving aggressively in climate change, health care for all, making public colleges and universities tuition-free.”

Hillary Clinton has good reasons to heed the Vermont Senators’ agenda.

On the one hand, Sanders earned nearly 10 million votes and 22 states during the nominating process. On the other, many of the demographic groups to whom he is appealing have turned their backs on Clinton, especially young and first time voters; being seen to take on his agenda on income inequality, campaign finance reform and Wall Street excesses is key to unifying the electorate in what has been a highly polarized 13 month campaign.

Several polls, including an Ipsos/Reuters one in May, suggest that 59% of Sanders’ followers are unwilling to “convert” to Clinton. Last week Sanders met President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden who have already endorsed Clinton. Until last week the Occupy DNC Convention Facebook group was planning to contact superdelegates to convince them to switch allegiance; the platforms has 25,000 members.

Meanwhile, Sanders has begun deploying some of his crowdfunded money and national attention to boost the chances of progressive liberals campaigning to gain the nomination for a Democratic ticket to contest Senate seats. He is starting with $2,4 million.

In doing so, he remains true to his initial commitment to lead a “political revolution” in a system of nominations within the Democratic Party he has time and again called “rigged.”

Sanders’ is testing his muscle, supporting his own candidates in primaries beginning this Tuesday in Nevada, in a three way primary. Control of the Senate will be key for major reforms pushed by a Democratic President, that is, an advantage that Barack Obama did not have.

An early test of his clout will come Tuesday in Nevada, where a Sanders-backed congressional candidate, Lucy Flores, competes in a three-way primary. An e-mail by the Sanders campaign yielded $390,000 for Mrs Flores, while the Senator has already contributed to her campaign.


The post Sanders meets Clinton to discuss the policies of unity appeared first on New Europe.

Catégories: European Union

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Des organisations tunisiennes veulent de criminaliser le racisme

Maliactu - mar, 14/06/2016 - 15:30

Des organisations de la société civile en Tunisie ont présenté mardi une proposition de loi criminalisant toute forme de discrimination, et obtenu le soutien de députés de la majorité, dans le cadre notamment de la lutte contre le racisme.

Composé de 36 articles, ce texte a été élaboré par le Forum tunisien pour les droits économiques et sociaux (FTDES), le réseau euro-méditerranéen des droits de l’Homme (REMDH) et le Comité pour le respect des libertés et des droits de l’Homme (CRDHT).

Il vise, selon ses instigateurs, à offrir un cadre juridique protégeant, conformément aux conventions internationales, les personnes discriminées et à criminaliser toute pratique discriminatoire se basant sur la race, la religion, la nationalité, la couleur de la peau.

Ce projet « provient d’un réel problème de discrimination et d’injustice dans la société tunisienne », a souligné devant la presse Ramy Salhi, un responsable du REMDH.

En Tunisie, « des personnes sont insultées en raison de leur couleur de peau, d’où la nécessité de propager à travers cette proposition de loi la culture du respect de l’autre quelle que soit sa couleur, sa religion et son appartenance », a renchéri Masoud Romdhani, du CRDHT.

Présents, des députés de la coalition gouvernementale ont exprimé leur soutien et promis de porter le projet, qui doit être soumis en commission, avant son examen en plénière par le Parlement.

Le texte « dit clairement qu’il y a du racisme en Tunisie et que le pays est en train de lui faire face », a déclaré Houcine Al Jaziri, du mouvement islamiste Ennahda.

« Nous soutenons cette initiative positive et vous pouvez compter sur nous pour faire passer cette proposition de loi », a dit Néjia Ben AbdelHafidh, députée de Nidaa Tounes.

Selon la juriste Anouar El Masri, la Tunisie ne compte à ce jour aucune loi spécifique à la lutte contre les discriminations, une seule, dédiée à la liberté de la presse, en faisant mention.

Catégories: Afrique
