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Brussels briefing: French strikes

FT / Brussels Blog - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:54
This is a day of reckoning for France’s union barons. Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the Paris streets again today, seeking to shame politicians into dumping already watered-down plans to reform labour laws. But all that noise may belie a more uncomfortable reality for Philippe Martinez, the union ringleader for the strike. He may have badly overreached.

The gruff, mustachioed boss of the General Confederation of Labour (CGT) said the demonstrations would be “massive”. His reputation is on the line in what Le Journal du Dimanche has dubbed the “final round” of his battle with the government. The New York Times does a smart job of looking at the stand-off. The piece highlights the complex undercurrents in the French labour movement – notably a bloody succession battle to lead the CGT as its fortunes have waned – that are driving militant action in what is ironically “one of the least unionised countries in Europe”.

And here lies the danger for Mr Martinez. The CGT-led strikes have been a costly nuisance but the disruptions don’t seem quite as bad this week. The rubbish in Paris is finally being collected again. The government seems to be standing its ground (albeit to protect far weaker reforms). Public patience is wearing thin. And most importantly, attention has turned to the football – and France won its first game. If turnout is mediocre on Tuesday, what Mr Martinez described as a protest airplane “just taking off” in late May could appear to be running low on fuel.

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Catégories: European Union

Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian presidents to meet on June 26 – report

News.Az - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:54
A trilateral meeting between Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian presidents will take place in St. Petersburg on June 26, APA reports citing 1in.am.
Catégories: Russia & CIS

Pilotes d’automobiles contre les avions de chasse au 24h du Mans

Aumilitaire.com - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:52
En prélude aux 24 Heures du Mans ce week-end, l’ACO a organisé une confrontation entre pilotes d’automobiles et d’avions de chasse. Instructif et décoiffant ! David Cesbron est photographe au conseil régional de Franche-Comté depuis 2006. Son gagne-pain. Mais, pendant les week-ends et ses congés, il mène des projets plus personnels. Lire la suite sur lepoint.fr
Catégories: Défense

MEPs debate how to reduce litter by 2030

The European Political Newspaper - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:52
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Litter is on the European Parliament’s agenda for June 15. MEPs will debate the definition of litter and proposals aimed at achieving the 50% reduction target of land-based litter by 2030.

Last month, Czech MEP Miroslav Poche called for the definition of littering to be clarified as “any action or omission by the waste holder, whether wilful or negligent, that results in litter”.

The European Parliament is also proposing that EU countries restrict single-use products for the sake of litter prevention.

According to the Clean Europe Network (a Europe-wide platform where organisations share experience, expertise and best practice), the current discussions in the European Parliament are “one step in the legislative process – but a very important step”.

The post MEPs debate how to reduce litter by 2030 appeared first on New Europe.

Catégories: European Union

David Cesbron, photographe en immersion auprès des gendarmes de France

Aumilitaire.com - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:49
PHOTOS. David Cesbron a sillonné la France des mois durant avec les gendarmes. Il en a tiré une sélection de 216 images réunies dans un livre. Rencontre. David Cesbron est photographe au conseil régional de Franche-Comté depuis 2006. Son gagne-pain. Mais, pendant les week-ends et ses congés, il mène des projets plus personnels.   Lire ...
Catégories: Défense

Réanimer le système de santé

Institut Montaigne - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:49
Date de publication: Mardi 14 Juin 2016Couverture: Type de publication: RapportRésumé long: Soutenabilité financière, inégalités d'accès et de qualité des soins, crise des professionnels de santé ou encore retard en matière d’innovation biomédicale sont autant de défis qu’il est indispensable de relever. Ce rapport propose une vision de long terme pour réformer notre système en préservant sa qualité et son universalité.

Törökkanizsa: Nagy lehetőségek a fűszer- és gyógynövények kivitelében

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:47
A törökkanizsai földművesek Észak-Bánátban egyre több földterületet vetnek be fűszer- és gyógynövényekkel, hiszen a termelésről már előre megállapodtak a felvásárlókkal, és tudják mekkora eladási árra számíthatnak.

Language rights, participation, security and access to justice fundamental to welfare of communities in Kosovo, says High Commissioner Thors

OSCE - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:47

During her visit to Kosovo from 7 to 10 June 2016, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors focused on education, implementation of the framework of language rights and access to justice.

The High Commissioner continues to urge for the adoption of the Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of Language Rights, contending that it will make the implementation of legislation more efficient and improve the quality and the consistency of different language versions of legal acts. “When in place, the strategy will lead to positive results quickly,” said Thors.

The visit included Prishtinë/Priština, Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Prizren, Janjevë/Janjevo and Gračanica/Gracanicë where Thors met with ministers, local authorities, media representatives, judges, university professors and students, as well as representatives of the international community. The High Commissioner was joined in several meetings by the Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Jean-Claude Schlumberger.

Thors commended the recent adoption of an administrative instruction of the Ministry of Education Science and Technology, which will make it easier for members of non-majority communities to pursue studies at universities in Kosovo as it, among others issues, improves the functioning of the existing quota system.

Whilst visiting the University of Prizren, the High Commissioner expressed concern that courses taught in Turkish and Bosnian have not yet received official accreditation for the next academic year. Such courses cater to the fundamental needs of non-majority communities in Kosovo. “I encourage relevant authorities to take urgent measures so that these options remain available also the next academic year,” said Thors.

High Commissioner Thors discussed extensively with a number of stakeholders the prospective establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities as well as ways to overcome the current stalemate in the process. She heard views on the need to respect the relevant legal framework but also to meet the expectations of concerned communities, in north Kosovo as elsewhere. Thors also noted the concerns expressed by Serbs living outside Serb majority municipalities, as well as non-Serb non-majority communities, who fear they will not benefit from the process.

In several meetings Thors pointed to the need to improve access to justice for all non-majority communities, to thoroughly follow up on crimes targeting them, as well as to fully enforce their property rights. “When such crimes are investigated and prosecuted, it sends a powerful and reassuring message to non-majority communities that their rights will be effectively protected by the authorities.”

On the last day of her visit, Thors attended a class of Serbian language instruction for Kosovo Albanian officials from the municipality of Prishtinë/Priština, part of a flagship partnership project on language acquisition by municipal officials sponsored by the Office of the Language Commissioner and the HCNM, with German funding, and implemented by the ECMI Kosovo.

The visit served to underline the importance attached by the High Commissioner to language learning as a key building block for integrated societies: “Speaking more than one language is beneficial, both for the person who speaks them and for society as a whole; it is even more important for local government officials, who regularly engage with members of public, to be able to communicate with every person in their community.”

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Catégories: Central Europe

Florin Iordache kerül az alsóház élére

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:45

Nem Victor Ponta volt miniszterelnök veszi át a hétfőn menesztett Valeriu Zgoneától a képviselőház elnöki tisztségét – döntötte el a Szociáldemokrata Párt (PSD) elnöksége kedd délutáni ülésén.
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La consigne de l’EI : « Tuez des policiers » !

Aumilitaire.com - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:45
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Catégories: Défense

Australia’s Many Small Parties Help Disburse Discontent

TheDiplomat - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:44
A vibrant array of minor parties provides a release valve for discontent in Australia.

Obama: nem biztos, hogy az IÁ áll az orlandói mészáros mögött

Krónika (Románia/Erdély) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:42

Nincs bizonyíték arra, hogy a hétvégi orlandói tömegmészárlást külföldről irányították volna – jelentette ki Barack Obama amerikai elnök, miután a belbiztonságért felelős miniszterrel és a Szövetségi Nyomozó Iroda gazgatójával folytatott megbeszélést.
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Policier et sa compagne tués dans les Yvelines

Aumilitaire.com - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:42
L’agence de presse du groupe jihadiste a revendiqué l’attaque qui a causé la mort d’un policier et de sa compagne, à Magnanville, dans les Yvelines, lundi 13 juin. L’horreur dans les Yvelines. Un policier a été tué à coups de couteau et sa compagne a été retrouvée morte, lundi 13 juin au soir. Ces actes ...
Catégories: Défense

Violences et interpellations lors de la manifestation contre la Loi travail à Paris

France24 / France - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:40
Les manifestations contre la Loi travail ont une nouvelle fois tourné à l'affrontement, mardi, à Paris. Au moins 50 personnes ont été interpellées par la police, en majorité des casseurs. On dénombre également des dizaines de blessés.
Catégories: France

A gumikacsáról mégsem volt szó

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:40

Aleksandar Vučić és Michael Davenport, az Európai Unió szerbiai küldöttségének vezetője, valamint Kyle Scott, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok belgrádi nagykövete Szerbia európai uniós integrációjáról, illetve a szükséges reformokról beszélgettek tegnap Belgrádban. 

China’s ‘Belt and Road’: Where Is Africa?

TheDiplomat - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:38
Africa was missing from China’s “Belt and Road” roadmap, but including the continent makes good sense.

IS leader Al-Baghdadi 'killed in US-led coalition air strike'

News.Az - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:38
Baghdadi died in an air strike on IS's stronghold of Raqqa in northern Syria.
Catégories: Russia & CIS

L’Algérie parviendra-t-elle à rattraper le Maroc dans la conquête de marchés africains ?

LeMonde / Afrique - mar, 14/06/2016 - 14:37
Pour combler son retard sur le grand rival marocain, Alger doit diversifier son économie et libérer son système financier.
Catégories: Afrique
