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S. Sudanese rebels claim over 40,000 people fled Unity state

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:43

September 16, 2015 (KAMPALA) - At least 44,000 people have crossed the River Nile from South Sudan's oil-rich Unity state into neighbouring territories, a rebel official said.

Thousands of civilians fleeing violence seek shelter at a UN compound in Jonglei state capita Bor (Photo: UNMISS/Hailemichael Gebrekrstos)

Speaking to Sudan Tribune via satellite phone Wednesday, the rebel-appointed deputy governor of Phow state in Unity state, Johnson Kuol said those fleeing crossed the Nile from Guit county and Payikang areas to Kew administrative headquarters currently controlled by the country's armed opposition forces (SPLM-IO).

He said several clashes between their forces and pro-government troops in Upper Nile and Unity states forced more people to abandon homes and flee for safety reasons.

“Every day, we are receiving huge numbers of people from Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei states and majority of these populations come from Guit County,” stated Kuol.

Majority of those who crossed for safety through Phow state needed umanitarian assistance, he said, describing their conditions as "desperate" and "life threatening".

“Many of the people arriving everyday here are in total crisis with severe hunger. They have no access to medicals, foods and shelters,” said the armed opposition official.

Kuol, however, urged humanitarians organisations to assess the conditions of those internally displaced in these areas before their conditions get out of control.

“These people are direly in need of serious assistance from international and faith based groups. Their conditions are too hard to predict since most of the children appeared to be having severe cases of malnourishment,” stressed Kuol.

The United Nations said most areas in Unity and Upper Nile states could not easily be accessed by aid agencies, due to continued hostilities between South Sudan's warring parties.

Some parts of the country also lack proper roads making it difficult for non-governmental organisations to deliver medicines and food aid to the worse-affected communities.

According to Kuol, the majority of those who fled from Atar in Jonglei, Payikang county of Upper Nile and Guit county in Unity state have temporarily settled in Giraf highland.

The low rainfall in some part of the country has resulted into poor harvests, while continued fighting between the warring parties prevents people from cultivating crops.

A permanent ceasefire declared last month by both warring factions has failed to hold.


Categories: Africa

La France envisage des contrôles aux frontières alors que la droite fustige Schengen - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:42

Le gouvernement a donné des gages à la droite qui ne cesse de critiquer l'espace Schengen en évoquant le contrôle des frontières.

Categories: Union européenne

Bashir and Museveni reiterate their support to South Sudan peace

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:41

September 16, 2015 (KHARTOUM) - Presidents Omer al-Bashir and Yoweri Museveni reiterated their support to the peace agreement in South Sudan, and vowed to exert the necessary efforts to bring stability to the new nation.

Omar al-Bashir (R) welcomes Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni at Khartoum Airport for talks during an official visit to Sudan September 15, 2015. (Photo Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah)

The Ugandan president concluded on Wednesday a two-day visit to Khartoum where the discussions focused on the regional efforts to bring the two warring parties to implement a peace agreement they inked last August.

The Sudanese and Ugandan leaders stressed in joint communiqué issued at the end of the visit that their tow countries are directly affected by the 20-month conflict in South Sudan and vowed to spare no effort to prevent the resumption of hostilities in the neighbouring country.

Bashir and Museveni "expressed their willingness to work together under the umbrella of IGAD and the African Union to maintain peace, security and stability in the region and in the Republic of South Sudan," says the communiqué, which was inked by foreign ministers of the two countries.

In a closed-door meeting, the two leaders also discussed accusations of support to rebel groups but the two sides avoided to speak about what agreed in the discussions in this respect.

However, the final communiqué said the two countries agreed to enhance security cooperation and to reactivate a joint security committee. They also agreed to promote joint military training and cooperation between the two countries.

Bashir and Museveni further directed the intelligence and security services in the two countries to strengthen their cooperation and coordination in order to overcome the differences between the two sides.

Kampala accuses Sudan of harbouring the Lord Resistance Army of Joseph Kony in a remote area in Darfur region but Khartoum denies the accusation. On the other hand, Sudanese officials recently admitted that Uganda restricted the activities of the rebel groups who used in the past to hold their meetings in Kampala. However they say the rebel groups still have presence there.

Ghandour told reporters that the two presidents discussed the issue of rebel groups
President Museveni gave a lecture about the challenges facing economic development and peace in the Lakes region attended by president al-Bashir.

Before to leave Sudan he extended an invitation to al-Bashir to visit Uganda.


Categories: Africa

EU-Kommissar plant europäische Grenzschutz-Teams - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:28

Angesichts der anhaltenden Flüchtlingskrise will die EU-Kommission die Außengrenze flächendeckend durch ein europäisches Grenzüberwachungssystem absichern. Bis dahin sollen Notfalltruppen der EU-Agentur Frontex aushelfen.

Categories: Europäische Union

Amnesty: Kinder an ungarisch-serbischen Grenze von Eltern getrennt - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:28

Die Lage an der serbisch-ungarischen Grenze eskaliert: Ungarische Polizisten feuern Tränengas auf Flüchtlinge ab – und nach Angaben von Amnesty International sind mehrere Flüchtlingskinder von ihren Eltern getrennt worden.

Categories: Europäische Union

Neuer Labour-Chef will bei EU-Referendum für "Ja" werben - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:15

Der neue britische Labour-Chef Jeremy Corbyn hat seine Haltung zum geplanten Referndum über den Verbleib seines Landes in der EU festgelegt. Ein klares Signal aus Großbritannien für Europa.

Categories: Europäische Union

Flüchtlinge suchen sich neue Routen nach Deutschland - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:05

Nachdem ihnen die Route durch Ungarn Richtung Westeuropa versperrt ist, suchen sich die Flüchtlinge neue Wege über Kroatien und Slowenien nach Deutschland. Die dortigen Regierungen liebäugeln mit der Schaffung eines Korridors, durch den die Flüchtlinge nach Mitteleuropa geschleust werden.

Categories: Europäische Union

Retail park nyílik Nagybecskereken

Magyar Szó (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 08:03

Befejező szakaszába jutott az izraeli Aviv Arlon társaság bevásárlóközpontjának építése, amelynek megnyitását október 29-ére jelentették be. A leendő bérlők egy része már hozzáfogott a létesítmény belső berendezéséhez.  Nagybecskerek Újvidék felőli bejáratánál mintegy hat hektáron épülő retail-parknak is nevezett bevásárlóközpont építőhelyét munkatársaival meglátogatta Čedomir Janjić polgármester. Mint elhangzott, a késedelem nélküli munkálatokhoz nagyban hozzájárul a beruházó és a helyi önkormányzat közötti jó együttműködés. Az izraeli beruházó tavaly októberben vásárolta meg a telket a magyar Arkadom társaságtól, amely lemondott egy korábban tervezett nagybecskereki befektetéséről.

Az Aviv park üzlethelységei 22.500 négyzetméteren épülnek, és mintegy ötven bérlőjük lesz, köztük sok világhírű cég is képviselteti magát. A beruházás összértéke 30 millió euró, és mintegy négyszáz munkahely nyílik meg. A bérleti szerződéseket már aláírták, az épületek tető alá kerültek, és már megkezdték a létesítmények birtokba vételét. Lesznek azonban olyan bérlők, akik csak jövő tavaszra érkeznek Nagybecskerekre.

Jelenleg az épületek külsején, valamint a járdák, parkolók és zöldövezetek rendezésén dolgoznak.  A beruházók már a létesítmény ünnepi megnyitójára invitálják a nagybecskerekieket, amelyen nagy, esetenként 50 százalékos árengedményeket kínálnak majd a vevőknek. Emellett külön szórakoztató műsorokat is készítenek, elsősorban a legkisebbek számára. A bevásárlóközpontnak több mint hétszáz férőhelyes parkolója lesz és négy moziterme.

Az Aviv Arlon három évvel ezelőtt Pancsován nyitotta meg az első ilyen típusú bevásárlóközpontot. A retail-parkok különlegessége elsősorban az, hogy a zárt, mesterséges fénnyel és klímaberendezéssel ellátott létesítmények helyett szabadtéri bevásárlást kínálnak, zöld övezetben és számos kísérő-rendezvénnyel, az egész család részére. Egy szinten épülnek, pince és emeletek nélkül. Könnyen megközelíthetők személygépkocsival, az elárusítóhelyek között pedig zöldövet és kényelmes sétányok vannak.

What is Democracy in India?

Ideas on Europe Blog - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:55

Last year, India held it’s general elections and as usual there was a smattering of political parties, all with something different to offer approximately 700mn adults registered or eligible to vote at least. The newly chosen (by public) members of the national parliament have had some time to spend on the budgets and they should feel proud of having been elected by a bigger democracy than most in the West. Elections in the country are a regular thing, despite insurgencies in Kashmir, and numerous piecemeal episodes of border struggles. India is a gigantic country in South Asia – both demographically and politically, and the picture of rule here is one of reasonable stability because unlike in neighbouring Bangladesh, there has been no issues of autocratic rule, and a break with civilian government. Regionally, this is not an unnatural occurence: in Nepal, autocratic rule with a constitutional monarch was supposed to be the order of the day, as it has been since 1990. In 2008, however, Nepal became a republic, as a party convinced of ways of the armed revolution based on the Maoist model became the single-most dominant force in parliament. In retrospect, India did plenty of things with its newfound freedom from the British Empire, such as introduce the rights to vote for both men and women, all together. Democracy is an experiment sometimes in this region, even though the thought process is aligned with the creation of effective democratic governance. Right after independence, democracy was tried to be made into a popular political choice for a nation of mostly illiterates and poverty-stricken people. It has been tough to forge national unity in a land divided by language and religion, which is why even though a population diaspora might dictate the dominating language of the land, it cannot ascertain the sense of belonging that one single language is supposed to give one land. Democracy exists to provide citizens with the right to choose and replace their leaders, the right to speak up against misgovernance or be openly supportive about government decisions. In order for a government to function democratically there needs to be multiple political parties, and a constant presence of free, fair elections, the press needs to have freedom to conduct matters nationally. Democracy in India has often been viewed with sceptism, particularly where Kashmir is concerned. The people of Kashmir have often voiced their anger at the constant injustices they have had to face because of repeated accounts of corruption in a localised rule. Violence sometimes escalated and because of these numerous political disagreements the region has constantly been subjected to conflict. Although, from time to time Kashmiris have toyed with the idea of abiding by the local government’s customs and traditions, the response to the whole situation hasn’t always been positive. Regional development has almost always been forsaken but what has been astonishing to learn off is how the violence has often forced people to resort to military struggle. The scenario has been present both in Kashmir and in those Nepal locales where armed guerrillas are also equipping themselves with a greater awareness and learning about Maoist traditions and battling to remove the sophisticated manner of doing things. They want to do this by spreading the seeds of revolution and striving for independence from Nepal. It is difficult to imagine that Kashmiris should arm themselves to demand basic necessetities. But on certain days, that is the tallest order of the day because the region cannot afford to live relatively peacefully, when you compare it to it’s neighbouring Bhutan. In Bhutan, the most politically eventful episode to have occured in recent times was the dethroning of a king by choice in favour of his son ruling. In Kashmir, citizens must arm themselves to protect and to practice the kind of politics they would like to see in government, because the state is being far too harsh on them. When you step out of Kashmir, and into the rest of India, the picture of democracy is fully intact and functional because the national assemblies, the state assemblies all conduct themselves with freedom and fairness. Capital, labour, and goods can move about the country unperturbed, but there is no denying that the nation is still a weak democracy. There are illiberal idealogies spreading through political corridors, and there is also a lack of thoroughness in governance. A peaceful solution to Kashmir is possible, which would contribute to a better notion of democracy in India than the one present. Both the state and it’s citizens with demands need to co-operate on democratic matters, conduct more open dialogue about regional security, have more regular and fair elections, nurture the language and culture of minority groups and there needs to be a greater understanding of how more more power needs to be given to the people of Kashmir to shape their politics.

The post What is Democracy in India? appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

UN-Bericht: 60 Prozent weniger Malaria-Tote seit 2000 - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:46

Gute Nachricht im Kampf gegen vermeidbare Todesfälle: Die Zahl der Malaria-Opfer ist drastisch gesunken. Aber überwiegend in Asien und im Kaukasus – in Afrika geht es hingegen deutlich schlechter voran.

Categories: Europäische Union

Machar meets Museveni in Khartoum over South Sudan peace deal

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:46

September 16, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, has met with South Sudanese former vice-president and designated first vice president, Riek Machar, in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, said SPLM-IO media official.

South Sudanese opposition leader, Dr. Riek Machar meets Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni in Khartoum, Sept. 16, 2015 (ST Photo)

The meeting between the two leaders, according to Machar's spokesman, James Gatdet Dak, took place at around 4:00pm in Khartoum on Wednesday.

“Yes, the two leaders, Comrade Dr. Riek Machar and President Yoweri Museveni held a meeting on Wednesday at 4pm in the Sudanese capital,” Dak told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday evening.

Although he did not provide details of the high profile engagement between the two, he said it was mainly on the implementation of the recently signed peace agreement to end the war in South Sudan, and particularly on implementation of security arrangements.

He said the meeting was a follow up of a previous meeting two weeks ago in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, between president Museveni and a high level delegation of the opposition faction of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO), led by deputy chairman, Alfred Ladu Gore.

“You know the peace agreement has provided for withdrawal of all foreign forces from South Sudan within 45 days from the date of the signing. This matter was discussed with the assurance from President Museveni that he will comply and pull out his troops from South Sudan,” he said.

In Khartoum, the Sudanese foreign minister Ibrahim Ghandour denied that Machar's visit was linked to the visit of the Ugandan president, and refused to confirm the meeting between them.

But a Sudanese official told Sudan Tribune under the cover of anonymity that the meeting was organised by President al-Bashir to ease relations and build confidence between Musveni and Machar over the presence of Ugandan troops in South Sudan.

Also, another source close to the file said that it was Museveni who asked Bashir actually to arrange the meeting between him and Machar.

During the meeting, Museveni extended an invitation to Machar to visit Kampala.

South Sudanese SPLM-IO has been accusing Ugandan People's Defence Force (UPDF) of directly interfering in the internal war in South Sudan, calling on them to withdraw from the country.

Dak also said the two leaders discussed other bilateral issues between the two parties, which he did not disclose, but said were in the interest of full implementation of the peace agreement and strengthened relations between the two countries.

The opposition leader's spokesman further said Sudanese rebels harboured in South Sudan and fighting alongside president Kiir's government will also be disarmed and repatriated back to Sudan, in accordance with the provisions of the peace deal.

Machar, he said, also met with president Omer Hassan al Bashir and discussed the importance of full implementation of the peace deal in South Sudan as the two neighbouring nations to the north and south of the young nation are key in the IGAD mediated peace deal.


Categories: Africa

Burkina Faso : la communauté internationale exige la libération du président

France24 / Afrique - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:45
L'ONU, l'Union africaine et la Cédéao ont "exigé" mercredi soir la libération du président intérimaire du Burkina Faso et de son Premier ministre. Tous deux sont retenus en otage par des militaires d'un corps d'élite à Ouagadougou.
Categories: Afrique

UN chief urges S. Sudanese leaders to implement peace accord

Sudan Tribune - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:39

September 15, 2015 (JUBA) - The United Nations secretary general, Ban ki Moon urged on Wednesday South Sudanese leaders to focus efforts on implementing the peace deal.

UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon (UN)

"I urge the two leaders to uphold the recent commitment they made to end this brutal conflict," he remarked in a brief statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

Ki moon had welcomed the signing of the deal by South Sudan's President on 26 August, saying it was a "critical and necessary step" in ending months of conflict in the country.

He earlier expressed hope the accord would bring an end to the violence that has killed tens of thousands of people and forced over two million citizens to flee their homes.

The outbreak of the conflict was as a result of political fighting between President Salva Kiir and his former vice president, Riek Machar, which began in mid-December 2013.

According to the UN secretary general said that the over 20 months of conflict had "devastated" South Sudan and subjected its people to "unspeakable suffering."

He however said the UN stands ready to support the implementation of the agreement.

Ki moon, however, expressed concerns on the plights of over 200,000 people at the UN protection of civilian sites in South Sudan, in addition to thousands in need of assistance.


Categories: Africa

Europas Autobauer wollen CO2-Ausstoß stärker senken - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:35

Die europäische Automobilindustrie will mit Hilfe der digitalen Vernetzung von Fahrzeugen den Ausstoß des Treibhausgases CO2 weiter reduzieren.

Categories: Europäische Union

Malmström: TTIP-Investitionsgerichte sollen Schiedsgerichte ablösen - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:19

Die EU-Kommission plant für das EU-Freihandelsabkommen TTIP mit den USA die Einführung eines modernen Investionsgerichts-Systems (ICS). Das umstrittene Investor-State-Dispute-Settlement (ISDS) ist damit endgültig vom Tisch. Kritiker sehen allerdings noch immer Nachholbedarf.

Categories: Europäische Union

Energieeffizienz: EU-Verbot alter Heizkessel bringt "gigantische" Einsparungen - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:00

Neue Energiestandards für Heizkessel treten in diesem Monat in Kraft. Nach Angaben des Europäischen Umweltbüros (EEB) spart die EU damit bis 2020 das Energie-Äquivalent von 47 Atomkraftwerken des Typs Fukushima ein. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet.

Categories: Europäische Union

Verborgener Hunger: Ein "Super-Müsli" als Lebensretter - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:00

SPECIAL REPORT / Über zwei Milliarden Menschen weltweit leiden unter teils tödlicher Mangelernährung: Helfen können vitamin-angereicherte Nahrungsmittel. Doch dazu braucht es mehr Entwicklungsgelder, fordern Hilfsorganisationen und afrikanische Regierungen.

Categories: Europäische Union

Burkina Faso : l'ONU condamne le coup d'Etat

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:00
Le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a condamné jeudi dans les termes les plus forts le coup d'Etat au Burkina Faso, et a réclamé une nouvelle fois la libération immédiate de tous les responsables burkinabés en détention.
Categories: Afrique

Libéria : l'ONU proroge d'un an le mandat de la MINUL, tout en réduisant ses effectifs

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Thu, 17/09/2015 - 07:00
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a adopté jeudi une résolution prorogeant le mandat de la Mission des Nations Unies au Libéria (MINUL) jusqu'au 30 septembre 2016, y compris en matière de protection des civils, de soutien à la réforme judiciaire et des forces de sécurité du pays, de promotion des droits de l'homme et de protection du personnel des Nations Unies.
Categories: Afrique
