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Jerusalem’s crumbling status quo

Crisisgroup - Wed, 28/10/2015 - 10:07
At the epicenter of the new escalation of Israeli-Palestinian violence is a deep dispute over Jerusalem's Holy Esplanade -- known to Jews as the Temple Mount, and to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif, site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

ISR and AEW Aircraft Global Market Report: 2015-2016

DefenceIQ - Wed, 28/10/2015 - 05:00
The global market for airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.2% between 2013 and 2023, despite shrinking military budgets - airborne ISR represents the eyes and ears of modern defence forces, and major U.S. projects such
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Interview: Oshkosh on JLTV victory, capabilities, prospects

DefenceIQ - Wed, 28/10/2015 - 05:00
The U.S. Army’s nearly decade-long
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Negotiating a Better Peace: New Tools for Inclusive Mediation

European Peace Institute / News - Wed, 28/10/2015 - 00:30

On October 27th, IPI together with the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) cohosted a women, peace, and security event focusing on the effective inclusion of women peacebuilders in mediation efforts.

Click here to view the event video on YouTube>>

Entrenched conflicts around the world demonstrate that traditional approaches to peace negotiations are not working. Today’s conflicts tend to involve numerous nonstate actors and play out at local, national, and transnational levels. Many civilians are affected by violence, displacement, and lack of economic opportunity; meanwhile, too many traditional mediation efforts fail. A growing body of research shows that the inclusion of a range of actors—especially pro-peace and nonviolent women’s groups—can generate political will and increase the chance of reaching a sustainable agreement. While inclusivity is not a panacea, its positive impact is evident in numerous peace processes.

ICAN presented the Better Peace Tool, the culmination of an extended consultative process with a full range of stakeholders active in peace mediation. A panel of mediators and mediation advisers reflected on this approach, discussing practical tools to overcome obstacles to inclusivity as they arise in practice. They also considered the negative outcomes for peace when exclusion wins the day—drawing on their experiences in Mali, Sudan, Syria, and elsewhere.

Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, Co-Founder, International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) & Member of the UN Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisers (2011-2012)
Mobina Jaffer, Canadian Senator & Former Canadian Special Envoy to the Peace Process in Sudan
Arthur Boutellis, Director of the Center for Peace Operations, International Peace Institute
Tom Crick, Associate Director of the Conflict Resolution Program, The Carter Center
Visaka Dharmadasa, Founder and Chair of the Association of War Affected Women, Sri Lanka

Opening Remarks:
H.E. Geir O. Pedersen, Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations

Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Senior Policy Analyst, International Peace Institute


Európa nincs felkészülve a klímamigránsokra

Origo / Afrika - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 23:08
A mostani migrációs hullám még csak a kezdet, a közeljövőben milliós tömegben érkezhetnek a klímamenekültek - állították szakértők a Kossuth Klub rendezvényén. A Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem kutatója mind az EU, mind a magyar kormány bevándorláspolitikáját kritizálta, szerinte rossz előjel, hogy Európa a mostani, még viszonylag kis számú menekülttel sem tudott mit kezdeni.
Categories: Afrika

King Salman Humanitarian Center Details Relief Aid

European Peace Institute / News - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 20:52

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A policy forum was held at IPI on October 27th on humanitarian assistance in times of conflict. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Supervisor General for the King Salman Humanitarian and Relief Center, briefed the audience on the work of the center in providing relief aid to Yemen and the region.

The center was founded in May 2015 with the mission of managing and coordinating Saudi Arabia’s external humanitarian relief and development assistance.

“The food security program has been the most active with the health program,” Dr. Rabeeah said. “We’ve been delivering aid within Yemen, in the borders, and those in need in Djibouti.”

“Our center is impartial. We’ve not been involved in the politics or military actions,” he noted. “We have moved our help to cities irrespective of who controls those cities… In five months, our center has been able to provide thirteen food programs, reaching more than five million beneficiaries.”

Moderating the event was Hardeep Singh Puri, Vice President of IPI, who shared with the audience the four guiding principles of humanitarian action: humanity, which drives all humanitarian action to prevent and alleviate human suffering; neutrality, which requires humanitarian organizations to abstain from taking sides; impartiality, which guides humanitarian action to administer relief based on need without discrimination; and respect for independence.

“It is critical to understand and respect the work of NGOs in a conflict situation,” said Rabih Torbay, Senior Vice President of International Operations with the International Medical Corps. “As a non-governmental organization, we have to be impartial in our delivery of services. We cannot politicize who receives aid—everybody in need should receive aid.”

“The aid should be given based on need,” he added. “Not based on tribal, ethnic or religious affiliation, and we need to keep the humanity at the center of everything we do.”

Highlighting the difficulties of working in a conflict situation, Amir Mahmoud Abdulla, Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme, commended the work of humanitarian workers on the ground.

“Our colleagues on the ground in Yemen deserve a huge amount of respect and gratitude. We all have to acknowledge that they put themselves in harm’s way to deliver [the aid] and the need for ensuring their protection must be paramount,” he said.

Watch event:


Dízelbotrány: még mindig áll a bál Brüsszelben

Eurológus - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 19:04
Egy levelezés szerint régóta gyanakodhattak a tesztek kiskapuira az Európai Bizottságnál. Most próbálják a tagállamokkal közösen bezárni, de lehet, hogy résnyire nyitva marad.

200 milliárd forintos pályázati forrás nyílik meg szociális, felzárkózási, oktatási és egyházi területen

Pályázati Hírek - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 17:50

Idén decemberig 200 milliárd forintnyi uniós fejlesztési forrás nyílik meg szociális, társadalmi-felzárkózási, család- és ifjúságügyi, köznevelési, felsőoktatási, egészségügyi és egyházi területen - jelentette be az emberi erőforrások minisztere kedden sajtótájékoztatón, a Nyíregyházi Főiskolán.

Categories: Pályázatok

Nem ismerik el országként, mégis elindulhat az EU felé Koszovó

Eurológus - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 17:48
Lassan kilábalhatnak a válságból, ami miatt rengeteg koszovói útnak indult idén tavasszal.

France’s Fascination with the Far Right

Foreign Policy Blogs - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 17:15

via flickr kakhunwart

French television viewers were treated to high drama last Thursday night, as National Front leader Marine Le Pen bailed on France 2’s Des paroles et des actes (“Words and Deeds”) only a few hours before airing. The political debate show, which has already hosted her six times over the past four years, became a lightning rod for criticism from France’s mainstream parties before the broadcast. Resurgent Republicans leader Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist Party head Jean-Christophe Cambadélis joined forces to protest the “excessive” airtime being allotted to Le Pen on French television. An impressive show of solidarity, given that not even the Charlie Hebdo attacks had been enough for Sarkozy to take Cambadélis’ calls in January.

While the France 2 fiasco capped a week of headlines for Marine Le Pen, whose trial for racist remarks in 2010 had been front-page news just two days prior, her National Front continues to gain ground in December’s regional elections (and in the 2017 presidential elections, where a third of French voters plan to vote for her). Marine, who herself leads the National Front’s candidates in the région of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, rejected the primetime invitation after her regional rivals (representing Sarkozy’s Republicans and François Hollande’s Socialist Party) were tacked onto the program. The concession to strict rules on equal airtime prompted Le Pen to rebuff France 2 and presenter David Pujadas with her trademark acerbic flair, asking on Twitter: “Do they take me for their dog?”

Given her “slightly Stalinesque” role within the National Front and the dearth of other high-profile leaders, Marine Le Pen’s steady stream of controversies (and the resulting media coverage she uses to great effect) masks surprising strides made by her lieutenants across France. One standout example, watched closely by the French political elite but little noted by outside observers, is the race currently being run by Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, Marine’s niece and the youngest member of the National Assembly since the French Revolution. As head of the National Front candidates in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (known as PACA and including Marseille and Nice), the youngest Le Pen is projected to come first in the first round of voting in December, a disconcerting setback for Republicans candidate and Nice mayor Christian Estrosi.

The PACA race is making waves that reach as far as Paris. Estrosi, hard-pressed to generate momentum in the campaign, is a titan in the region and a fixture on the national political scene. A textbook example of “accumulating mandates,” he is not only the long-serving mayor of Nice but also a sitting member of the National Assembly and a Sarkozy-era minister. Ironically, the long resume has proven a stumbling block in the 60-year-old’s efforts to keep up with his young challenger. Even after he qualified the National Front as an “operation to ‘recycle’ local neo-Nazis,” Maréchal-Le Pen’s campaign has preserved its first-round lead. Throwing his multiple mandates back at him, she forced him to admit he would remain leader of Nice in a televised debate last week: “You are going to remain a Niçois, which the people of Marseille will certainly appreciate.”

In many ways, the race has become a microcosm for political battles to be waged in 2017 and beyond. When François Hollande’s term ends, France’s mainstream parties will face intense scrutiny from voters angry with economic stagnation. They will do so with leaders tainted by scandals and unpopularity. Hollande’s historically low approval ratings have gotten no better, standing at only 19% in September. Nicolas Sarkozy, meanwhile, has managed to regain the leadership of France’s center-right while battling allegations of corruption and illegal fundraising. Just last year, the former head of state found himself answering questions in police custody. In PACA, Estrosi has portrayed himself as the candidate “best positioned to keep the National Front out of power,” but he will need the help of the Socialists to do so. With Marine Le Pen projected to outdo both Hollande and Sarkozy in the first round of presidential voting, the two parties may well have to repeat their joint effort against her father in 2002. A turn of events that may, ironically, reinforce Le Pen’s message that the Socialist Party and the Republicans are two sides of the same coin.

A strong performance in December would prove an important milestone in the Front’s quest for “de-demonization“, but neither French voters nor the rest of Europe should take electoral success as a sign of moderation. Marine Le Pen is a savvier speaker than her firebrand father, but the National Front still embodies a xenophobic, racist, and anti-Semitic movement that seeks to lead France out of Europe and back down the road of narrow-minded populism. Behind Marine’s theatrics at the European Parliament (referring to President Hollande as “vice-chancellor of the province France“), the National Front still earns its keep by playing on fears of Islam, immigrants, joblessness, and multiculturalism. Like Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the U.S. and Viktor Orban in Hungary, the siege mentality France’s far right actively perpetuates offers no substantial solutions to the country’s real economic struggles. Unfortunately, as Messieurs Estrosi, Sarkozy, and Hollande well know, France’s political elite has failed to come up with any breakthroughs either. Keeping Marine Le Pen off television can only work for so long.

Forum emploi Défense-Entreprises

ColBleus - Marine nationale (FR) - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 16:37
Date: 17 NovembreDate de fin: Mardi, Novembre 17, 2015Région: Bretagne

Défense Mobilité Brest organise le forum emploi Défense-Entreprises le 17 novembre 2015 de 9h à 17h au Centre des congrès du Quartz à Brest. Militaires, civils ou conjoints de ressortissants de la Défense, concernés par une démarche de transition professionnelle ou en recherche d’emploi, venez-vous informer et rencontrer des professionnels.

Categories: Défense

Mascarade électorale au Congo-Brazzaville : de qui se moquent les autorités françaises ?

Survie - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 15:40
Les autorités congolaises ont annoncé dans la matinée les résultats officiels du référendum sur le changement de constitution organisé dimanche 25 octobre : près de 93% des voix en faveur des modifications de la Constitution, qui interdit actuellement au dictateur Sassou Nguesso de rester au pouvoir après 2016, et surtout un taux de participation de plus 72%. C'est ce dernier chiffre qui choque le plus, en totale contradiction avec le boycott massif qui a été observé sur le terrain dimanche. Selon (...) - Congo Brazzaville / , , , , , ,
Categories: Afrique

Új kötöde csarnok épült Mosonmagyaróváron

EU pályázat blog - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 15:29

A „Telephelyfejlesztés és ipartelepítés a területi kohézióért” című konstrukció keretében 59,84 millió forint vissza nem térítendő uniós támogatást nyert el a Harsányi Termelő, Befektető és Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft. A vállalkozás a közel 120 millió forint elszámolható összköltségű projektje során új tevékenység beindításához szükséges körkötő üzem építése mellett új munkahelyeket teremtett.

A Harsányi Kft. eddig a gazdaság általános konjunkturális viszonyainak az átlagnál kevésbé kitett, így alacsony kockázatú iparágban, az energetika területén tevékenykedett. A Társaság pénzügyi, vagyoni helyzete stabil, a tulajdonos az eredmények nagy részének visszaforgatásával a későbbi fejlesztéseket készítette elő.

A vállalkozás számára lehetőség adódott új tevékenység beindítására, belépésre a körkötött kelmék piacára. A cég méreteiből fakadóan gyorsan és rugalmasan tud reagálni a változó vevői igényekre, munkaerő költsége jelentősen alacsonyabb, mint a nyugat európai, földrajzi helyzete sokkal kedvezőbb, mint a legtöbb közép-kelet európai országban, vagy Magyarország más régióiban működő cégnek. A társaság továbbá kiépült kapcsolatrendszerrel rendelkezik mind a fonálgyártók, mind pedig a fehérneműgyártók felé.

Az új tevékenység beindításához szükségessé vált a pályázati projekt tárgyát képező fejlesztés, ami egy körkötő üzem felépítését tartalmazta. Az épület egy korszerű 950m2-es üzem, amely alapvetően termelő funkciót foglal magában 600m2-es csarnokkal, 200 m2-es műhellyel, fűtési rendszere részben megújuló energiát hasznosító technológiára épül.

Az NYDOP-1.3.1/DE-13 „Telephelyfejlesztés és ipartelepítés a területi kohézióért” elnevezésű pályázati kiíráson 59 847 947 forintos támogatást elnyert, 119 695 895 forint elszámolható összköltségvetésű fejlesztés 2014. december 22-én indult és 2015. szeptember 30-án zárult.

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásával valósult meg.

Categories: Pályázatok

Barkhane : Exercice d’évacuation de blessés aux côtés de la MINUSMA

Début octobre à Gao, au Mali, le personnel médical de la force Barkhane a testé son interopérabilité avec ses homologues hollandais de la Mission des Nations Unies au Mali (MINUSMA) en effectuant un exercice d’évacuation de blessés.
Categories: Défense

Syrie : la France hors-jeu

Blog Secret Défense - Tue, 27/10/2015 - 15:01
Une vidéo pour décrypter l'actualité, avec l'Opinion
Categories: Défense
