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A magyarok példáját követik

Lengyelnet - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 10:46
Viharos gyorsasággal esett a demokrácia helyzete Lengyelországban
Categories: Kelet-Közép-Európa

What Iran’s Elections Mean for its Future

Crisisgroup - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 10:45
A review of the main-stream news and analyses surrounding Iran’s recent elections for the parliament and the Assembly of Experts – the body in charge of selecting the Supreme Leader’s successor – leaves the impression that President Hassan Rouhani and his pragmatist allies have scored a major victory that will pave the way for their vision of integrating Iran into the global economy.

Press release - Same work, same pay – MEPS react to new proposal on posted workers

Európa Parlament hírei - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 10:01
Plenary sessions : Parliament debated proposed revised rules for workers who are employed in one member state and temporarily sent to another by their employer, as presented by Employment Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, on Tuesday evening. Political groups' speakers were divided: for centre-left MEPs, it was not far-reaching enough to prevent exploitation of workers, while centre-right MEPs expressed concern about its impact on competitiveness and SMEs.

Source : © European Union, 2016 - EP

Tűzszünet: az USA újraindítja a szíriai terrorszervezetek kiképzését

Hídfő.ru / Biztonságpolitika - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 09:26

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok arra használja a Szíriában öt évi háború után elért fegyvernyugvást, hogy újra felépítsen egy mesterséges, külföldről vezérelt fegyveres ellenzéket.

Tovább olvasom

Categories: Biztonságpolitika

The paradox of EU defence policy

European Geostrategy (Blog) - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 09:22

In this third Long Post in a five-part series on defence and the EU Global Strategy, Daniel Keohane argues that now is as good a time as any for deeper European military cooperation.

The post The paradox of EU defence policy appeared first on European Geostrategy.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Message du Général Bertrand Soubelet

RP Defense - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 08:55
Chers amis Certains d'entre vous le savent depuis un certain temps mais il me fallait préserver une certaine confidentialité malgré une bévue mi janvier de la société de distribution. Le 24 mars prochain sera publié chez Plon un livre qui à la lumière...
Categories: Défense

A Brief History of Daesh Media Propaganda

DefenceIQ - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 06:00
Daesh media propaganda has been, to quote FBI Director James Comey, “unusually slick”, seeing operation in over 20 languages, seizing on digital engagement lessons from commercial and government lessons, and remaining persistent with their output. Realms of engagement –
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Artillery Challenges: From East to West

DefenceIQ - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 06:00
Last year, Future Artillery welcomed over 180 delegates from more than 25 nations. Among them were representatives from as far a field as the contested South Pacific to the tense borders of Eastern Europe. Defence IQ caught up with two of the nations in attendance - New Zealand and th
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The Future of Artillery: Industry Perspectives

DefenceIQ - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 06:00
Defence IQ ’s Future Artillery conference will be taking place (May 23-25) in association with the Royal Artillery, who celebrate their 300th anniversary this year. As always, it will host many of the world’s major artillery solution providers. Ahead of the
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

234 pályázat érkezett a legalább 30 Mbps sávszélességű hálózat kiépítésére

Pályázati Hírek - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 01:29

A Gazdaságfejlesztési és Innovációs Operatív Program pályázatának nyertesei 2016 második félévében 139 járásban kezdhetik meg a fejlesztéseket. A felhívásra beérkezett támogatási kérelmek bírálata már megkezdődött. A beruházások általános célja az, hogy piaci szereplők bevonásával 2018-ra Magyarország még ellátatlan területein kiépüljön a legalább 30 Mbps sávszélességet biztosító hálózati infrastruktúra. A támogatásnak köszönhetően 412 ezer, a vállalkozások saját forrásából pedig további több mint 400 ezer olyan háztartás számára válhat hozzáférhetővé igény esetén a szupergyors internet, ahol az eddig nem volt elérhető.

Categories: Pályázatok

Britain’s Tories give a boot to Merkel’s AfD foes

FT / Brussels Blog - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 00:07

AfD supporters march in Saxony-Anhalt, one of the German regions with elections Sunday

Germany’s anti-immigrant Alternative für Deutschland party found itself without a home in the European Parliament on Tuesday after the assembly’s European Conservatives and Reformists group, the political home of Britain’s Tories, gave them a firm push out of the door.

In the tersest of one-sentence statements, the ECR confirmed it had “invited” its two AfD members to leave. Just in case they didn’t get the message, it went on to say that, if they choose to stick around, “a motion will be tabled to expel them” at the next meeting of the group’s executive on April 12.

The decision by the ECR to open its doors to the AfD after the party’s success in the 2014 European Parliament elections was a headache for David Cameron from the start. The move was an embarrassment at a time when the the British prime minister was trying to improve relations with Angela Merkel, the German chancellor who saw AfD as threat to her Christian Democrats on the right.

Read more
Categories: European Union

Postconflicto en Colombia: El potencial internacional de la paz

Crisisgroup - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 00:00
Una Colombia en paz devuelve al barrio a un vecino relevante y con tareas hemisféricas de primer orden por delante.

The West's Two-Pronged Strategy (I)

German Foreign Policy (DE/FR/EN) - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 00:00
(Own report) - German foreign policy experts have noticed the EU's change of tune regarding its policy towards Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. According to a representative of a German party-affiliated foundation in Brussels, EU diplomats' "patience with Kiev is noticeably coming to end" in view of Ukraine's desolate development and the oligarchs' persistent intrigues. In reference to internal debates, the foundation's representative has also confirmed that voices are growing "louder" with wishes to "renew a constructive approach" toward Moscow, "not only at the economic" but also at the political level. The same applies to the recent Normandy Format ministerial meeting on the Ukrainian crisis. The German business community is also increasing its pressure to end the sanctions, because it is missing out on too many lucrative deals with Russia. A recent survey among German entrepreneurs has revealed that only twelve percent of the respondents are in favor of maintaining sanctions. In the energy sector, which, thanks to Angela Merkels engagement, has been excluded from sanctions, the German Linde AG was able to land a three-digit million Euro deal in January. At the beginning of this year, Linde CEO Wolfgang Büchele was named Chair of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (OA).

HOT - Wed, 09/03/2016 - 00:00

French / German HOT Anti-Tank Guided Missile
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Bevándorlóellenes megjegyzése miatt kizárják a német jobboldali képviselőt a konzervatív EP-frakcióból

Eurológus - Tue, 08/03/2016 - 22:28
Beatrix von Storch februárban azt írta: fegyveres erőszakkal is visszatartaná az illegális határátlépőket, nőket és gyerekeket is. Távoznia kell a frakcióból.

"Un motif de fierté" (actualisée)

Le mamouth (Blog) - Tue, 08/03/2016 - 22:05
Le ministre a redit ce midi sa "fierté" du niveau atteint par les femmes dans son ministère, tout en
Plus d'infos »
Categories: Défense

L'Europe forteresse est née !

Coulisses de Bruxelles - Tue, 08/03/2016 - 21:15

Mes articles consacrés au sommet européen de lundi au cours duquel le droit d’asile a été enterré. Le premier, écrit avant 17h est ici, le second, qui raconte les coulisses de la négociation, . Bonne lecture !

Categories: Union européenne
