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Brussels briefing: Brexit soft landing?

FT / Brussels Blog - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:37

The polls are tightening, markets are jittery, and Downing Street is so alarmed it is relyingon Gordon Brown to save the Remain campaign. It may be time to start talking about the day after Brexit, and whether there is a way to engineer a soft-landing.

The “what happens next” issue is tackled today by Donald Tusk, the European Council president, in a typically punchy interview with Bild Zeitung.

“The leave campaign contains a very clear message: ‘Let us leave, nothing will change, everything will stay as before’. Well, it will not. Not only economic implications will be negative for the UK, but first and foremost geopolitical. Do you know why these consequences are so dangerous? Because in the long-term they are completely unpredictable. As a historian, I am afraid this could in fact be the start of the process of destruction of not only the EU but also of the Western political civilisation.”

He later says divorce will be “sad” but manageable within 2 years. But he notes a parallel trade deal – setting the future EU-UK relationship – will be far tougher, and take at least another 5 years after the divorce, if it can be agreed at all. Long as it seems, this 7-year drift is actually optimistic version of the “decade of uncertainty” that David Cameron and Whitehall have described.

If markets react badly to a Brexit vote, there will be huge pressure to find a quick EU fix for a smooth transition (what Wolfgang Münchau calls letting the Brits go in peace). But even under such market duress the political options look poor.

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Categories: European Union

Youssouf Carius - Pulsar Partners

Jeune Afrique / Finance - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:33

Ancien économiste en chef de Bloomfield Investment, l'Ivoirien a quitté l'agence de notation financière pour fonder et diriger Pulsar Partners, une société d'investissement qui démarre ses activités à Abidjan.

Cet article Youssouf Carius – Pulsar Partners est apparu en premier sur

Categories: Afrique

Georges Wega - SGBS

Jeune Afrique / Finance - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:33

Le Camerounais, directeur général adjoint de Société générale Cameroun, est promu à la tête de la filiale sénégalaise du groupe français, la SGBS. L'ancien patron d'UBA Cameroun remplace le Français Yann de Nanteuil.

Cet article Georges Wega – SGBS est apparu en premier sur

Categories: Afrique

Protesters Again Take to Streets of Serbia’s Capital - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:25
Serbia’s growing Ne Davimo Beograd [Let’s not drown Belgrade] social movement is staging a fresh protest, continuing its calls for the resignations of the Belgrade officials responsible for the night-time demolitions in Savamala, where the capital’s waterfront project is to be built.
Categories: Balkan News

Bosnia’s Basketball Golden Boys Underfunded - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:24
Bosnia’s junior basketball team’s lack of stable state funding threatens the current European champions.
Categories: Balkan News

US-Romanian Naval Drills Alarms Russia - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:15
Moscow issues veiled response as a US Navy destroyer is slated to begin joint drills with the Romanian navy.
Categories: Balkan News

Nombreuses victimes dans des combats entre l’Erythrée et l’Ethiopie

LeMonde / Afrique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:03
Les deux pays ont des versions contradictoires de la situation à leur frontière commune.
Categories: Afrique

Adventurers Ride the Belgrade Skies - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:00
Looking for a new way to get your adrenalin pumping? Why not jump out of an airplane?
Categories: Balkan News

A la découverte des traditions et de la héraldique de l'aéronautique militaire pendant la Grande Guerre

Lignes de défense - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:00

Philippe Jourdan, un ancien de chez Heller, vient de publier un ouvrage bilingue (français, anglais) consacré aux traditions et à la héraldique de l'aéronautique militaire entre 1914 et 1918.

Il a recensé les 619 escadrilles créées, administrativement, pendant la Grande Guerre dont 371 ont été opérationnelles. Sur ce total, 311 insignes d'unités ont été retrouvés. Ils sont analysés, décrits, racontés dans le détail.

Cet ouvrage méticuleux et abordable de 128 pages, est publié en auto-édition, il est disponible chez l'auteur (Philippe Jourdan, 26 place des Arcades, 82440 Réalville, France). Son prix: 30 €.

Le e-mail de l'auteur: et son tél.: 06 60 82 63 53.

Categories: Défense

Frauen auf der Strasse: Der kunterbunte Streik - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 09:00
«Wenn Frau will, steht alles still.» Getreu diesem Motto setzen am 14. Juni 1991 die Frauen ein Ausrufezeichen: für Gleichstellung, gegen Diskriminierung!
Categories: Swiss News

Nommer le totalitarisme érythréen et sortir de l’indifférence

LeMonde / Afrique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 08:58
Depuis 1991, le petit pays d’Afrique de l’Est est gouverné par Isaias Afewerki qui a mis en place l’une des dictatures les plus dures du monde.
Categories: Afrique

Jonglei state advisor opposes Bor municipality status

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 08:58

June 11, 2016 (BOR) – An official in South Sudan's Jonglei state has openly opposed the establishment of Bor town municipality as well as the appointment of its mayor, saying the entire process is illegal.

Diing Akol Diing, speaking at a meeting in South Sudan Hotel in Bor, June 11, 2016 (ST)

Diing Akol Diing, a state advisor for economic affairs insists the municipality should not exist since it does not meet the right criteria.

“There are two ways through which the municipality could be created, either the governor issues provisional order creating the municipality if the parliament is not working. This order is then reviewed by the assembly to see if it [municipality] meets the conditions for it to exist. Or the executive proposes it and request the parliament to pass it. If the parliament passes it, good but if the parliament rejects it, then it should not exist,” Akol told a meeting organized in Bor town last Saturday.

Bor town municipality was decreed by the former governor, Kuol Manyang Juuk nearly four years ago. Since then, its status has never been discussed in the assembly and never passed into a legal entity.

“This municipality should be passed by Jonglei state assembly so that it becomes a legal entity which can sue and be sued”, said Akol.

For a place to get municipality status, the advisor said, populations, economic viability and territorial size of land have to be considered.

“According to South Sudan Local Government Act 2009, the municipality should have a population ranging from 100,000 to 300,000 people. It must be able to generate at least 75% of its budget on its own and it must have a size of the land”, he added.

Bor town, according to the 2008 census results, had a population of 61, 224, which is reportedly far below the required population. This time, however, after the formation of the 28 states, many people had gone to various states that were curved out of Jonglei.

Economically, Bor municipality is unable to generate half of its budget.

“Municipality is not about moving in a car that has a flag. Municipality is about generating money to improve services to the people”, said Akol.

Last week, Jonglei state governor appointed Akim Ajieth Buny, as the mayor of Bor town, replacing Nhial Majak Nhial who was sacked some months ago. But Akol insists the mayor's appointment is illegal.

“Mayor should be elected by the people for a four-year two terms if his performances are good. Mayor should be someone who lives in that particular town or municipality, not someone who comes running from other place to contest, no”, he further explained.

Akim has a family in Australia, and currently holds Australian citizenship.

Akol said Bor municipality does not even have legislators who monitor performances of the mayor and the heads of departments.

But Philip Thon Nyok, who represents Bor town in the state assembly, dismissed the economic advisor's criticism of Bor municipality status.

“Someone said the existence of the municipality is not legally corrected. Where were you since it was formed? When this municipality was formed, you were in the government as minister of local government, but failed to mention these to the former governor,” said Thon.

He added, “You [Akol] became advisor to the current governor, but you have never told him all these. You are just making noise for nothing”.

But while many agreed with Akol on the basis that Bor municipality was not economically viable, others felt it was too late to reverse the decree.


Categories: Africa

Henri Guaino candidat à la primaire de la droite

L`Express / Politique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 08:34
Le député des Yvelines et ancienne plume de Nicolas Sarkozy a annoncé sur France Inter sa candidature à la primaire organisée par le parti Les Républicains (LR).
Categories: France
