Az MTV Közbeszéd vendége volt Varga Gergely biztonságpolitikai szakértő (SVKI, EuVI) - 02:04-től
2012. szeptember 13.
The Center for Education and Research in Humanitarian Action / GENEVE
The Master of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action is a 10 - 12-month, full-time course of 60 ECTS credits.
This course has been designed for professionals working in the humanitarian sector. It allows professionals to take a step back from their current activities, reflect on their experience and apply a critical analysis to it drawing on their existing skills.
Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel's military chief, said in an interview published in Haaretz on Wednesday that he did not believe that Iran would decide to build a nuclear weapon. He argued that the Iranian leadership is very rational, and said "Iran is moving step-by-step toward a point where it will be able to decide if it wants to make a nuclear bomb. It has not decided yet whether to go the extra mile." He added that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei would produce a weapon if he believed he could do so without reprisals, but that Khameni understands that reprisals would take place and he therefore will not move the program to completion.
By Robert D. Kaplan
As the world moves into the second decade of the 21st century, a new power rivalry is taking shape between India and China, Asia's two behemoths in terms of territory, population and richness of civilization. India's recent successful launch of a long-range missile able to hit Beijing and Shanghai with nuclear weapons is the latest sign of this development.
This is a rivalry borne completely of high-tech geopolitics, creating a core dichotomy between two powers whose own geographical expansion patterns throughout history have rarely overlapped or interacted with each other. Despite the limited war fought between the two countries on their Himalayan border 50 years ago, this competition has relatively little long-standing historical or ethnic animosity behind it.
Insurgents fighting U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan carried out a series of attacks in Kabul over the weekend. Among other targets, the attackers struck four embassies. The attacks were obviously planned and designed not so much to achieve a direct military end as to demonstrate capabilities and negatively affect morale among alliance forces and civilian leaders. They were also meant to show Washington that insurgents can deliver coordinated attacks in secure areas. Undoubtedly aware of the fact that this is an election year, the insurgents also had a political intent. As such the attacks took a page out of older insurgencies, such as those in Vietnam.
In his final address to the Russian Duma on Wednesday, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin praised the creation of an economic union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan as the most significant geopolitical event in the region since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Putin said, "We have been working in the format of closer integration, as part of the common economic space," allowing for "freedom of movement for goods, capital and the labor force." It is also significant that Putin said, "We hope that other partners who are interested in more advanced cooperation will join Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan."
By George Friedman
For centuries, the dilemma facing Iran (and before it, Persia) has been guaranteeing national survival and autonomy in the face of stronger regional powers like Ottoman Turkey and the Russian Empire. Though always weaker than these larger empires, Iran survived for three reasons: geography, resources and diplomacy. Iran's size and mountainous terrain made military forays into the country difficult and dangerous. Iran also was able to field sufficient force to deter attacks while permitting occasional assertions of power. At the same time, Tehran engaged in clever diplomatic efforts, playing threatening powers off against each other.
CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS)
Polish Embassy in Hungary
“Experiences of the Polish EU Presidency. Challenges of the current Polish foreign policy”
Polish Ambassador to Hungary
17 April (Tuesday) 2012 at 3 p.m.
CEU, Nádor 13, Room 1
Magyar Külügyi Intézet
„A közös európai külpolitika jelenlegi helyzete: sikerek és kudarcok”
Grúber Károly PSC nagykövet
2012. április 12., csütörtök, 14 óra 30 perc
Magyar Külügyi Intézet (1016 Budapest. Bérc u. 13-15.)
További információ :
CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS)
“Eastern Promises: Will Transnistria ever come out from the “frozen conflict” zone?”
Monday, 26 March 2012
15.00 – 17.30
CEU, Nádor 9.,Gellner Room
Péter Balázs, Professor, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary , Director, CENS
Alexander Sergunin, Professor of Theory and History of International Relations, Visiting Fellow at CEU ( St. Petersburg State University , Russia )
Botond Zákonyi, Director (Hungarian Institute of International Relations)
Witold Rodkiewicz, Research Fellow (Centre for Eastern Studies, Poland )
Victor Munteanu, Project Manager (United Nations Development Programme , Moldova )
András Rácz, Senior Research Fellow (Hungarian Institute of International Relations)
CEU Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS), Department of Public Policy and Center for Policy Studies
“EU and its relations with the Eastern partners: case of Georgia ”
Sergi Kapanadze
26 March (Monday) 2012 at 11 a.m.
Budapest, Nádor utca 9
CEU, Gellner room
Mr. Péter Balázs
Director of CENS, Former Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs