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Northrop Grumman offers to accelerate JSTARS delivery

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 07:00
Key Points Northrop Grumman's JSTARS offering could be delivered to the USAF and enter service by 2021 The acceleration would avoid the 2022-28 time frame when the air force is scheduled to be procuring its three most costly recapitalisation efforts Northrop Grumman's Joint Surveillance Target
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Rheinmetall offers Boxer for Australian combat reconnaissance vehicle requirement

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 07:00
Rheinmetall has confirmed it is offering the ARTEC Boxer 8x8 multirole armoured vehicle to meet an Australian requirement under Project Land 400 Phase 2 for 225 combat reconnaissance vehicles (CRVs). In a 3 September statement - issued the same day that tenders closed - Rheinmetall disclosed it
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Two pro-solution leaders in Cyprus raise likelihood of permanent agreement in long-running peace talks for political reunification

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 07:00
Key Points If the two sides overcome the key hurdles on property, territory, and security in the next phase of negotiations, Cyprus will come closer than ever to reunification. A solution would open the door to significant opportunities in construction, shipping, and tourism, while paving the way
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Keresztény erőd?

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:59
Ahmet Davutoglu török kormányfő szerint Európa keresztény erődként viselkedik. Törökország fontos tranzitország a keleti országokból érkező migránsok útvonalán. Egyben kétmillió menekültet fogadott be és ütközőzónaként viselkedik a káosz és Európa között – fogalmazott a török elöljáró. Hozzátette: b...

Rács mögött a gyanús elöljáró

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:56
Előzetes letartóztatásba helyezték Bukarest főpolgármesterét, miután a DNA-dossziéja keretében kenőpénz elfogadása közben tetten érték. Sorin Oprescu a vád szerint 25 ezer eurót kapott egy közvetítőtől. A megjelölt bankjegyek egy részét lakásán, másik részét az autójában találták meg. Védőügyvédje s...

Kivásárolt perek

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:53
Nehezen visszautasítható ajánlatokkal állnak elő a bankok, hogy megelőzzék a frank drágulása miatt az adósaik által indított pereket. Vannak bankok, ahol 15 ezer hitelszerződést írtak át lejre, máshol akár negyven százalékkal is csökkentették a törlesztőrészletet. A frank erősebb volt, mint a névért...

Áradnak a migránsok

Kolozsvári Rádió (Románia/Erdély) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:46
Kiürült a Keleti pályaudvar, érkezik az újabb menekülthullám Röszkénél. Korántsem csitul a migrációs válság Európában, ez még csak az első hullám, a szegényebbek ezután jönnek Nógrádi György biztonságpolitikai szakértő szerint. Hétvégén autóbuszokkal szállították a magyar hatóságok az osztrák határh...

Rosneft CEO Sees No Reason for Russia to Become OPEC Member

RIA Novosty / Russia - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:45
Russia’s oil giant head expressed no intentions of Rosneft to go into OPEC because of different methods of oil extraction between Russia and members of the Organization.

Categories: Russia & CIS

ISR: Tracking the progress of the top US projects

DefenceIQ - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:00
This article gives you insight into the latest development news across the biggest airborne ISR programmes currently underway in the United States. Including progress on the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS), delays to the Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Brazil vs. Peru: Comparing Amazon protection efforts

DefenceIQ - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:00
Brazil and Peru are both embarking on major Amazon surveillance and protection programmes, involving systems and subsystems that will eventually begin to integrate on a national and cross-border basis. With billions of dollars being spent over the coming years on assets ranging from sa
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Submarines Market Report Summary 2015

DefenceIQ - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:00
The market for new submarines is forecast to exceed $100 billion over the next ten years. A total of 451 submarines are in service worldwide –excluding midget/mini submarines (56) – with the fleets of the U.S.A. (72), Russia  (57) and China (62) amounting to 43 percent
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Interview: Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton (Rtd)

DefenceIQ - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 06:00
With technology rapidly advancing, the design and operation of the modern fighter aircraft has become simpler on the surface, and yet – in many other ways – more complex. From outfitting platforms for multi-mission capabilities to implementing a more agile logistics chain,
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

BDP kämpft im Wahljahr um Aufmerksamkeit: Die diskreten Unscheinbaren - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 05:30
Es gibt eine Partei im Land, die primär mit ihrer Anständigkeit punkten will: die BDP. Doch das reicht nicht, um sich in den Wahlen zu empfehlen.
Categories: Swiss News

Sudan softens stance on pre-dialogue meeting abroad

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 05:09

September 6, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The national dialogue commission known as 7 +7 has indicated that it is open to holding a preparatory dialogue meeting in Addis Ababa which was requested by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) but under certain conditions.

3rd meeting of the national dialogue national assembly in Khartoum on Thursday 20 August 2015 (Photo - SUNA)

Last August, AUPSC invited the government and the opposition to a meeting at the AU headquarters in preparation for a comprehensive national dialogue but the government vehemently refuses to hold any round of dialogue abroad.

President Omer al-Bashir affirmed this position during a town hall with Sudanese expatriates in China last Friday saying there is no way dialogue will be moved out of Sudan. He assured that the government will provide sufficient guarantees for rebels to participate.

This position is shared also by the opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) of Hassan al-Turabi which has grown closer to the ruling party since last year and after declaring its inability to topple the regime.

But today, the supreme coordinating mechanism of the National Dialogue said it agreed to such a conference but with the presence of rebels only and stressed that discussions then will be confined to guarantees that can be offered to them to join the dialogue inside Sudan.

A member of the mechanism by the name of Osman Abu al-Magd read a statement on this new position and expressed disappointment that rebels have not responded positively to the dialogue invitation since it was initiated in January 2014.

He said the mechanism appreciates the efforts of the AU High-Level mechanism headed by Thabo Mbeki towards achieving peace and stability in Sudan and its support for dialogue.

Abu al-Magd called on the AU to intensify its efforts in support of dialogue especially with the armed movements.

The relationship between Khartoum and the AU became strained after the AUPSC organized a hearing for the opposition "Sudan Call" forces on August 24th which led the former to condemn the move and describe it as "outrageous initiative” declaring its refusal for any foreign involvement in the process.

The AUPSC also issued a decision demanding that the government and rebels declare a ceasefire in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Bashir launched the national dialogue initiative more than a year and a half ago in which he urged opposition parties and rebels alike to join the dialogue table to discuss all the pressing issues.

But the initiative faced serious setbacks after the government refusal to create suitable atmosphere by releasing political prisoners, ensuring freedoms, and postponement of elections.

This prompted several parties and groups to withdraw from the process such as the heavyweight National Umma Party (NUP) led by al-Sadiq al-Mahdi.

In a related issue, the government sponsored Sudanese Media Centre (SMC) website reported that dissidents from the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM) decided to participate in the national dialogue convention due to start in October.

The Vice chairman of the Leadership Council of the defecting group Adam Saleh Abakr told SMC that they categorically reject the AUPSC decision on pre-dialogue meeting in Addis Ababa.

Abakr disclosed that their efforts on persuading their peers to join the national dialogue have come a long way and will end with the participation of heavyweight figures soon.


Categories: Africa

Grèce: des renforts sur l’île de Lesbos dépassée par les réfugiés

RFI (Europe) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 05:01
En Grèce, la crise migratoire rend la situation sur l'île de Lesbos très tendue. Dimanche 6 septembre, la police a réprimé une rixe entre réfugiés. Des renforts ont été envoyés tandis que le ministre de l'Immigration du gouvernement transitoire était sur place pour trouver des solutions. C'est sur cette île qu'arrive la moitié des 230 000 réfugiés qui ont débarqué sur les côtes grecques depuis le début de l’année. Les autorités sont dépassées par les événements.
Categories: Union européenne

Mali: le retrait du Gatia d'Anéfis prendra plusieurs jours

RFI /Afrique - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 04:23
Les groupes armés pro-gouvernementaux du Gatia ont commencé ce week-end leur retrait d’Anéfis, localité de la région de Kidal prise le mois dernier des mains des rebelles de la Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad, qui pour protester contre cette violation de l'accord d'Alger, ont suspendu leur participation au processus de paix.
Categories: Afrique

Turquie: plusieurs soldats tués dans une attaque des rebelles du PKK

RFI (Europe) - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 04:12
Une importante attaque des rebelles kurdes du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK) a causé la mort de soldats turcs dimanche 6 septembre au soir, dans le sud-est du pays, a annoncé l'armée. D'autres ont été blessés. Le bilan est encore incertain. L'armée de l'air a mené des frappes en représailles. 
Categories: Union européenne

Agreements pave way for new defence links between Argentina and Bolivia

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 02:00
Argentina's defence minister Agustin Rossi and Bolivian president Evo Morales announced on 5 September that the two countries had signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) that would see Bolivia acquire a variety of defence systems from its South American neighbour. Under the LoI, the two countries are
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Austerity due to falling hydrocarbon revenues threatens Algerian government's ability to buy social peace

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 02:00
Key Points Progressive announcements since June have indicated more cuts, and there are now signs that sectors previously exempt from cuts, such as healthcare, may also be affected. Cuts in social spending are likely to erode support for the government and undermine the relative social peace
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Economic slowdown and Mexican president's growing unpopularity raise strike and protest risks, particularly in mining and infrastructure

Jane's Defense News - Mon, 07/09/2015 - 02:00
Key Points Companies face low strike risks in Mexico compared with elsewhere in Latin America, but day-to-day labour relations are still difficult. There were 8,110 labour disputes taken to court in January-July 2015. Unions have amassed considerable political and economic power in exchange for
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
