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Création de nouveaux BTS maritimes au Guilvinec et à La Rochelle

MeretMarine.com - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:01

Les lycées professionnels maritimes du Guilvinec et de La Rochelle sont les lauréats d'un appel à candidatures pour la création de nouvelles sections de BTS. Dès la rentrée 2017, ils accueilleront une formation dédiée à la pêche et à la gestion de l’environnement marin.

Cinq lycées des villes de Ciboure, Etel, Le Guilvinec, La Rochelle et Nantes s'étaient portés candidats. La volonté de ne retenir que deux dossiers était liée à la qualité et aux objectifs complémentaires des projets présentés.

La qualité des équipes

Catégories: Défense

DSME signe un accord pour construire des navires en Iran

MeretMarine.com - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:01

Le 27 décembre, le constructeur sud-coréen Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) a signé un accord de coopération avec Téhéran, via l’organisation iranienne de développement industriel et de modernisation (IDRO). Cette dernière était à la recherche d’un partenaire dans le cadre de plans de renouvellement et de developpement des flottes des compagnies nationales.

Catégories: Défense

Samsung remporte une commande de plateforme pétrolière

MeretMarine.com - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:01

Cela faisait très longtemps qu’un contrat de ce type n’avait pas été signé. La première commande de l’année pour les chantiers coréens, durement éprouvés par le ralentissement de l’activité maritime, a été remportée par Samsung Heavy Industries, et ce dans le domaine en crise de l’offshore. Il s’agit d’une plateforme semi-submersible de 58.000 tonnes capable de produire l’équivalent de 110.000 barils de pétrole par jour.

D’un coût de 1.27 milliard de dollars, cette unité est destinée au champ américain Mad Dog Field, opéré par BP dans le golfe du Mexique.


Catégories: Défense

Meyer Werft met sur cale le World Dream

MeretMarine.com - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:01

La cérémonie officielle de mise sur cale du World Dream s’est déroulée le mardi 10 janvier au chantier Meyer Werft de Papenburg. Il s’agit du second paquebot commandé au constructeur allemand par le groupe asiatique Genting Hong Kong pour sa filiale Dream Cruises. Prévu pour être achevé à l’automne prochain, ce nouveau navire, dont l’assemblage des 92 blocs a en fait déjà débuté depuis un moment (la coque est réalisée en sections), est le sistership du Genting Dream, livré le 12 octobre par Meyer Werft et qui a été inauguré le mois suivant en Chine, où il est basé.

Catégories: Défense

Wärtsilä remotorise le Moby Zaza pour son retour en Corse

MeretMarine.com - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:01

Après le Moby Corse et le le Moby Kiss, c'est au tour du Moby Zaza d'être remotorisé par Wärtsilä. Le ferry de Moby Lines avait été, pour mémoire, positionné l'été dernier sur la ligne saisonnière entre Bastia et Nice. Son service a été interrompu par un incendie survenu le 13 août à Nice. Il devrait reprendre sa ligne dans les semaines à venir.

Catégories: Défense

Zukunft Europas: Wehrhaft - nach innen und außen

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - jeu, 12/01/2017 - 00:00
Die EU ist einer Debatte voller Halbwahrheiten ausgesetzt. Sie muss offensiver reagieren. Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering in einer "Außenansicht" der SZ.

Security Council’s ‘encouraging voice’ very important to Colombian peace process, says UN envoy

UN News Centre - mer, 11/01/2017 - 23:37
Highlighting that the Colombian peace process faced and continues to face a range of challenges but also offers “solid” opportunities, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the country today called on the United Nations Security Council for its continued attention and strong support to the country.

Humanitarian crisis in Mosul could outlive Iraqi military operations, senior UN official warns

UN News Centre - mer, 11/01/2017 - 23:31
The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq, Lise Grande, reported today on the conditions in Mosul, a city witnessing one of the largest urban military operations since the Second World War, warning that a proper humanitarian response, conditions that created the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) could remain.

Trump Dodges Questions Over Ties to Russia

Foreign Policy - mer, 11/01/2017 - 23:03
The president-elect conceded Moscow hacked the U.S. election, but accused intelligence agencies of ‘Nazi’ tactics.

Libye: le maréchal Haftar sur un porte-avions russe en Méditerranée

RFI (Europe) - mer, 11/01/2017 - 23:01
En Libye, une rencontre entre des responsables militaires russes et libyens a eu lieu mercredi 11 janvier sur le porte-avions russe Amiral-Kouznetsov. Le navire est en Méditerranée, de retour de Syrie, pour retrouver son port d'attache dans le nord de la Russie. La rencontre entre le maréchal Khalifa Haftar et les officiers russes hauts gradés a eu lieu au large de Tobrouk. L'enjeu annoncé : combattre le terrorisme au Moyen-Orient. Pour les Russes, le général Haftar est l'homme fort de la Libye avec lequel il faut compter, malgré ses mauvaises relations avec le gouvernement d'unité nationale.
Catégories: Union européenne

Vonat-összeütközés Újvidéknél: 22 sérült

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - mer, 11/01/2017 - 22:49
Huszonkét utas megsérült a szerda esti vasúti balesetben, amikor is összeütközött egy személyvonat és egy tehervonat Újvidék közelében.

Malte, un as de l’évasion fiscale prend la présidence de l’UE

Bruxelles2 - mer, 11/01/2017 - 22:30

(crédit : office de tourisme maltais)

(B2) Confier les rênes d’une banque à un braqueur… c’est un peu ce que semble faire l’Union européenne en ce début d’année. L’image peut paraître osée. Mais quand on lit le rapport que vient de publier le groupe des Verts au Parlement européen au moment où Malte prend la présidence de l’Union européenne, elle parait évidente. Malte cette riante île, aux lagons bleus, aux fonds agréables pour les plongeurs, recèle d’autres atouts, tout aussi séduisants, pour les  investisseurs à la recherche d’un endroit discret pour faire « évader » leur argent.

Le régime de taxation de Malte « offre à la plupart des grandes sociétés un taux d’imposition de 5% seulement – voire de 0% dans certains cas ». Ce régime fiscal très avantageux « a fait perdre près de 14 milliards d’euros d’impôts aux autres pays entre 2012 et 2015 » dénoncent les Verts, mettant à jour une série de mécanismes ingénieux, destinés à permettre aux investisseurs de tirer un maximum de profit. Pire, l’opacité du système maltais est mise en cause.

La justice maltaise a des oublis quand il s’agit de blanchiment ou d’évasion fiscale. « Plusieurs responsables politiques du pays ont été épinglés sans qu’aucune enquête sérieuse sur ces affaires de blanchiment et d’évasion fiscale n’ait jusqu’à présent vu le jour ». « La situation est pour le moins burlesque » dénonce l’eurodéputée Eva Joly, qui a une certaine expérience de ces affaires pour avoir été magistrate du parquet financier. « Avec Jean-Claude Juncker, ancien combattant de la guerre fiscale, actuellement à la tête de la Commission européenne et, dès aujourd’hui un pays à la Présidence du Conseil qui a toutes les allures des paradis fiscaux, le tandem est pour le moins déconcertant. »


Télécharger le rapport

Catégories: Défense

Bohócdoktor Rajzpályázat 2017

PAFI - mer, 11/01/2017 - 22:21
A kiiró Gyógyító Bohócdoktor programja az "Én Bohócdoktorom" címmel alkotói pályázatot hirdet azzal a céllal, hogy az ifjúság körében az egészséges életmódot és a pozitív gondolkodást népszerűsítse.
Catégories: Pályázatok

Málenkij robot diákszemmel

PAFI - mer, 11/01/2017 - 22:09
A kiiró "A Szovjetunióba hurcolt politikai foglyok és kényszermunkások emlékéve” alkalmából pályázatot hirdet a Bács-Kiskun megyei középiskolák diákjai számára.
Catégories: Pályázatok

Bogárréti Farsang, avagy mi a "mimikri"?

PAFI - mer, 11/01/2017 - 22:02
A kiiró pályázatot hirdet "Bogárréti Farsang, avagy mi a "mimikri"?" című környezettudatos, mesés előadásának bemutatására, a bemutató anyagával kapcsolatos rajzpályázat benyújtására.
Catégories: Pályázatok

New realities on the Sudanese political landscape

Sudan Tribune - mer, 11/01/2017 - 21:48

By Yasir Arman

Peace, democracy and nation building challenges in Sudan

The challenges that have been facing Sudan for more than “sixty” years of its independence from the British have always been nation building and the possibility of building a modern state based on equal citizenship, democracy and social justice. Respect of the cultural, religious and social diversities of the Sudanese Communities has been a key element in the heart of the nation building issues. Failing to absorb this cardinal reality led to the secession of South Sudan, and indeed, is threatening the very existence of the rest of the Sudan.

Nation formation and nation building is a key issue for any reliable and successful national project. It is prudent upon the Sudanese stakeholders to recognize the historical and contemporary diversities and build a modern state based on equal citizenship without discrimination, and a program that is geared towards democracy and social justice. Sudanism is the only commonality that can unite Sudanese, regardless of their respective backgrounds. The political Islam program has shaken the basis of the Sudanese commonality, and it is a program that cannot yield a national consensus. It is important to stress that the political Islam agenda has not only threatened the Sudanese national unity and nation building, but is also an agenda that poses a threat to the whole of the African continent, as Africa is a continent of diversity, as well as the world at large.

Khartoum regime reaching end of its journey

The National Congress Party (NCP) regime is facing multiple crisis; economically, politically, culturally and socially. These have manifested in the bankruptcy of the political class, and it is clear the regime no longer has a foundation to exist upon. It is known that the regime was depending on a narrow social base and can only keep power in their hands through wars and security repression. Therefore, wars and the cracking down on opposition is an integral part of the NCP governance. Since they took over power, they have been facing continuous resistance in the rural and urban areas of Sudan, and they continued to wage war in the marginalized areas, and to repress the resistance of the mass movement in the urban areas. However, the days when the regime enjoyed spending oil money on their military, security and political institutions are gone, and the core of the regime's political brain is divided.

The regime tried to reproduce its system and widen its social base through an empty national dialogue that could not address the main problems facing Sudan, such as putting an end to wars, providing freedoms, basic rights and services, a democratic system of governance, as well as normalizing relations with the outside world. They were not ready to give concessions; they were only interested in reproducing their system at the peak of their economic and political crisis. The Sudan Government was neither ready to stop the bombardment of the civilian population in the war zones, nor open humanitarian corridors to end the civilian population suffering - especially in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile where they have denied humanitarian access for about six years, while committing war crimes, as well as the continued genocide in Darfur.

New realities on the Sudanese political landscape

The armed struggle was the main means of struggle during the early years of the dictatorship of the National Congress, where they systematically destroyed the peaceful means in what they called the ‘empowerment policy'. In this policy, they changed the nature of different state institutions and completely politicized them, including the security sector. Nevertheless, this dictatorial regime has been the dictatorship in which the Sudanese people have paid the heaviest price in their continuous struggle against, with millions displaced persons, refugees, wounded causalities and the struggle of the Sudanese people has continued throughout the past 27 years. At this point in time however, there is a qualitative change, and the peaceful mass movement is taking the lead. We can certainly say the peaceful resistance of the Sudanese people has been born again and the political landscape is pregnant and expecting a new born. This new mass movement consists of:
• Official opposition, with all its components and different alliances.
• New professionals and syndicate movements that include medical doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, university lecturers, plus teachers unions.
• New social movement of youth, women, students and others.
• Movements of specific causes; land grabbing, dams, farmers, internally displaced and others.
• Social media groups, who played a major role in the civil disobedience of November 27th and December 19th, are emerging as a powerful and youthful group, injecting new blood into the political life, and looking for a new political agenda for the future of Sudan. They are the very youth who were brought up during the National Congress's dictatorship and were targeted by a lot of brainwashing programmes. The youth are sending a clear message that the present regime, does not represent any future for them. Therefore, equally, the regime has no future.

What has taken place is because of the accumulative struggle throughout the last 27 years, including the years of the interim period of the CPA, which provided a relative opening up for political debate, as well as critical events such as the uprising of September 2013, in which the youth played a remarkable role in facing the regime security machines, where more than 200 of them lost their lives. The new youth movement has manifested itself in many ways, including when they rallied around the late singer Mahmud Abdelaziz, who was an icon of youth rebellion against the vision of the regime and the political Islam. It is a movement of diverse backgrounds, that uses different means.

The road to change is not an easy one. It is going to take a lot of effort in such a complex situation, but the mass movement and the Sudanese people in general are prepared for this journey to usher Sudan into a new error of equal citizenship, just peace and democracy.

The building up of resistance

The main phenomena in the present political landscape is the building up of the peaceful political resistance, from diverse forums. It has injected a new political will into the mainstream movement of resistance against the regime. It is to be noted that the youth are major players in this movement, and the professionals are making a come-back into the political scene. The medical doctors have carried out a strike for two months, in more than sixty hospitals nationwide. This movement emboldened the masses and killed the fears that were systematically planted by the regime into the minds and hearts of the people over the years.

It is evident that the expectations are high, and the National Congress is a spent force with nothing to offer. What is missing, is the unified mechanism that can bring together the oppositions from different backgrounds with a minimal plan of action to remove the NCP government, and bring about a new socio-economic/political dispensation that is in favour of peace, democracy, equal citizenship without discrimination and social justice. As well as a mechanism to coordinate between the different means of struggle, and our masses in the rural marginalized areas of Sudan and the urban ones.

The economic situation will continue to play a major role in bringing more social forces who are deprived from their living, into the political resistance. The new Annual budget of 2017 submitted by the minister of finance geared the bulk of the resources to the military and security sector. This was done so it can allow them to continue war and repression of the Sudanese people, indicating that the regime is going in the same old direction i.e a complete political bankruptcy. Allocating meagre resources to health and education, and depending fully on taxes and price inflation of essential commodities. Therefore, change is inevitable. It is also to be noted, at this very time of crisis, the regime has been accused by Amnesty International of using chemical weapons in Darfur.

The army and the other regular forces

The army and the other regular forces will eventually be forced to take a position in light of the continuing build-up of the mass movement and it would be an important factor and moment that would take things towards strengthening the chances of real change. Nevertheless, the mass movement should be cautious of a palace coup d'état that may intend to stop the process of real change.

Position of the regional and international community

The political forces have continuously expressed their willingness in a peaceful settlement, and the National Congress government has continually not only rejected the peaceful settlement, but continued to deliberately destroy any chance for a peaceful settlement. They are only interested in reproducing their old, ugly system. They are not interested in a new agenda of peace and democracy, and their old agenda can never bring national consensus.

There is a need for a new national project, and for a new Sudan, especially after the secession of the South and the genocide against important communities. Those two events are the most critical events in the modern history of Sudan. Sudan can only bring itself together if it can correctly learn lessons from those two major events and build a new country on new parameters of our new national project, so as to bring life to our national economic sectors in the agricultural industry, national transportation of railways, river, sea, and air and avail services to the ordinary citizens, especially of water, health, education and others. We need to address the needs of the poor people, and to rehabilitate the rural areas where most of our population is, and as Late Dr. John Garang used to say, “take towns to people, not people to towns”. We need to have a new nation building project that is based on democracy, and equal citizenship without discrimination, and the peaceful exchange of power.

Therefore, the civil disobedience injected new blood and constitutes a chance for the region and international community to re-think their agenda on the Sudanese crisis and look for a comprehensive new agenda of peaceful settlement that will lead to ending the war, and achieve democracy simultaneously. It is important for the region and the international community to respect the will of the Sudanese people for a change, and for them to review their policies towards Sudan, which are partial and tactical, and based on narrow interests, as they have never led to peace in either parts of Sudan.

It may be important to mention that the cooperation with Sudan on what is called “the Khartoum process” to prevent immigration to Europe, has not yielded the desired result, for the simple fact that the number of Sudanese immigrants, and other immigrants originating from Sudan in the last two years, is even higher than before the Khartoum process, and we can review the immigration statistics regarding Sudan in Italy, France and U.K. It is equally important to mention that general Bashir's regime has displaced, internally and externally around 6-8 million Sudanese. It would be absurd to expect him to help in preventing immigration to Europe. The biggest regards the Sudan government can pay the immigration agenda, is to end the war, along with the internal and external displacement in Sudan.

War on terror

The Sudan government is part of the international terrorism network, which is why they are able to cooperate by giving information to some countries, and handing over some of the terrorists and it has become an investment for them; to work on one hand on terrorism, and to share information and hand over terrorists on the other. It is ridiculous to continue working with a terrorist to combat terrorism. For instance, in Libya, Sudan is helping the political Islam organization, and at the same time, offering to work with the international community to bring law and order to Libya. It is a contradiction. The correct approach should be ending the era of terrorism in Sudan, which started with the Sudanese people themselves, and effect change and transformation in Sudan, and have a new government that has nothing to do with terrorism, whose interests lie in regional and international peace and stability. Moreover, I would appeal to the Gulf States not to provide money that is going to be used to fuel internal war in Sudan and repression. The Gulf States' investment in Sudan, can only be guaranteed by the Sudanese people and not by a regime that has no future. Sudan is on the eve of change, and it is only a matter of time.

Humanitarianism before politics

After more than 5 years, the SPLM/N leadership, rank and file, observe that Khartoum is using political engagement as a cover to continue its war and denial of access for humanitarian assistance. It is obviously clear that resolving political issues will take more time at the expense of the humanitarian situation. Therefore, the SPLM/N decided to take the humanitarian issues into the front seat, and as the only way to unlock even the political situation. Consequently, the SPLM/N decided it will never mix between the two issues again, and the priority should be in accordance with the International Humanitarian law to deliver humanitarian assistance.
Humanitarianism before politics.

Rebranding the SPLM/N

The SPLM/N will continue to pursue the vision of the new Sudan, working to achieve a secular democratic Sudan. The SPLM/N understands the need to rebrand itself and develop the vision of the New Sudan, taking into consideration the new realities, including the secession of South Sudan, and the experiencs that followed it. There is also a need to revisit its structural and internal democracy, along with the change that occurred all over the world, examining the failures and successes of national liberation movements and our means of struggle. As we are into the third millennium, with all its complexities, the big issues of social justice, ethnicity, the decaying of the nation state in certain aspects, and how to build a new future that addresses the nationality issues and the separation of religion from the State, remain prevalent.

Additionally, it is important to bear in mind the Sudan union between two independent statesin the North and South, the union process in the continent, our surroundings and the relationsbetween the developed/developing worlds. These can only be addressed by a democraticsystem that will allow equal opportunities to its people, tackling the issues of women, youth,economic justice, equal citizenship without discrimination and the environment e.t.c Addressing of the aforementioned, rests on the building of a modern organization that will cater for democracy, equality and justice.

The author is the SPLM-N Secretary General. He made this speech at the Eldorado Book Center, Oslo, Norway, on January 10, 2017

Catégories: Africa

Caught Between Trump and China, Taiwan Takes Checkbook Diplomacy to Central America

Foreign Policy - mer, 11/01/2017 - 21:46
President Tsai Ing-Wen traveled to Central America to loosen China's grip on Taiwan. But will it work?

The Fog of Politics and Denied Justice

Foreign Policy Blogs - mer, 11/01/2017 - 21:42

People walk to pay their respect to a memorial for the victims of the genocide in the Armenian capital Yerevan (Karen Minasyan/AFP/Getty Images).

At a certain point in the near future there will likely be a moment of clarity that cuts through the fog of partisan politics on the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. To cement this clarity for future generations and prevent them from making the same errors, it would be prudent to subject biased policy perspectives to judicial review, when possible.

Establishing the facts in an objective review would assist in completing an appropriate narrative for our time in history, and could possibly achieve some form of justice for victims of war crimes and genocide.

While acts committed by combatants, militants and terrorists can be established with evidence, the intent of these actions is harder to define. With so much fog over the intent of the players in the Middle East, it must be considered that any actions that contributed to war crimes should be considered in the assessment of these events in world history.

While whether or not an individual in Western societies can be compelled to assist those in immediate danger is a thoroughly discussed issue, it has been determined that not helping another person is not a crime in most legal systems. The lack of a moral application when discussing genocide however leads to possible horrendous situations.

The discovery of concentration camps during the Holocaust was met with inaction to help the victims of that mass genocide, leading to additional deaths due to lack of assistance. While absolving one’s responsibility to a victim group would surely be easier, it is against natural justice to avoid victims of genocide as they are too human to ignore.

To form a holistic legal precedent on mass atrocities committed against communities living in Iraq and Syria, it would be a matter of equity to acknowledge and apply legally binding precedents over third parties that have indirectly contributed to the further genocide of victim groups in the region.

Firstly, if it was established that the third party was aware of the mass atrocity to a greater or lesser degree, and actively worked to alter or fade out information about the acts taking place there for a reason that benefits that set of policymakers, then it should be considered as partly contributing to the acts taking place on the ground. Knowledge of an atrocity is the first step to help prohibit those actions, and it is why knowingly diminishing the brutality of the act should be a crime in itself.

Secondly, if the third party took indirect actions that should have been known to likely prolong the genocide taking place or prevents the rescue or assistance of that known community subject to ethnic cleansing, it should be taken as a partial contribution to the act itself. This should be applied to all victims of the targeted group during the time frame in which those contributory third party activities took place.

Thirdly, if a third party knowing of the genocide that took place puts undue bias and pressure on members of the groups that were subject to acts of genocide, murder, torture, sexual assault, acts against minors, planned extermination and others atrocities in the process of ethnically cleansing those groups that have been targeted, and discriminates in the process of assisting individuals from that group, then they should also be acknowledged and charged to respond in the greater trials on crimes against humanity against the individuals of that community.

Targeted groups and individuals should never been re-targeted by discriminatory policies before or after the resolution of the greater conflict. Ignoring the actions against them is the source of the initial discrimination and is tantamount to taking further actions against their community.

Unfortunately, many of the above third party actions have knowingly been taking place and have been blanketed over due to political games in many countries, even those founded on justice and the rule of law. While all sides accuse the others of not having clean hands, the case for justice against atrocities committed in 2016 and previously may not come to fruition in 2017 without strong public condemnation of the genocides committed in our current generation.

The post The Fog of Politics and Denied Justice appeared first on Foreign Policy Blogs.

VIDEO. Quand François Hollande ironise sur son retour en politique

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 21:30
Reculer, pour peut-être mieux sauter. «Peut-être qu'ayant été élu grâce aux maisons de retraite (ndlr : en 2012), un jour, je pourrais prétendre revenir avec la musique pop», a glissé, avec le sourire,...
Catégories: France

Rex Tillerson, Pick for Secretary of State, Breaks with Trump on Key Issues

Foreign Policy - mer, 11/01/2017 - 21:27
The oilman struggled to lend coherence to Trump’s foreign policy, but did reveal their differences on Russia, climate change, nukes and more.
