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Union européenne

Hongrie: des milliers de personnes dans la rue pour soutenir l’université Soros

RFI (Europe) - dim, 09/04/2017 - 21:19
Entre 20 000 et 35 000 personnes, selon les sources, ont défilé ce dimanche 9 avril à Budapest en soutien à l’Université d’Europe centrale (CEU) créée par le milliardaire américain George Soros. Une université menacée de fermeture depuis l’adoption mardi par le Parlement hongrois d’une loi taillée sur mesure. Depuis des années, le Premier ministre Viktor Orban multiplie les attaques contre Soros.
Catégories: Union européenne

A Stockholm, des milliers de Suédois font corps contre le terrorisme

RFI (Europe) - dim, 09/04/2017 - 18:37
Plus de 20 000 personnes se sont rassemblées ce dimanche 9 avril dans le centre de Stockholm pour dire non au terrorisme et manifester leur solidarité avec les familles des victimes. Une « manifestation pour l'amour » lancée sur Facebook près du grand magasin dans lequel un camion bélier s'est encastré vendredi après avoir fauché quatre personnes et blessé quinze autres.
Catégories: Union européenne

Lutte contre l’évasion fiscale: Malte demande à l’UE de ne pas se précipiter

RFI (Europe) - dim, 09/04/2017 - 08:00
Malte, qui offre un régime fiscal attrayant, met en garde l'Union européenne contre le rythme, jugé trop rapide, des réformes engagées en Europe pour lutter contre l'évasion fiscale. Un débat soulevé lors de la réunion des ministres des finances de l'UE à La Valette.
Catégories: Union européenne

Attentat de Stockholm: l’homme arrêté soupçonné de liens avec la filière ouzbèke

RFI (Europe) - dim, 09/04/2017 - 02:25
A Stockholm, après l’attentat de vendredi au camion-bélier, qui a causé la mort de quatre personnes, les enquêteurs suédois ont interpellé un Ouzbek de 39 ans. D’autres attentats ont été commis récemment par des Ouzbeks, comme celui de Saint-Pétersbourg, quatre jours plus tôt.
Catégories: Union européenne

Royaume-Uni: Boris Johnson n’ira pas à Moscou

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 21:44
Coup de froid diplomatique entre la Russie et le Royaume-Uni. Boris Johnson, le ministre des Affaires étrangères britannique, a annoncé ce samedi 8 avril qu'il annulait son voyage en Russie prévu lundi. D'après lui, les récents développements en Syrie ont radicalement changé la situation et son voyage n'est plus justifié.
Catégories: Union européenne

ETA, vers un terme à 40 ans de lutte armée

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 18:57
Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 avril, l'organisation séparatiste basque espagnole ETA a annoncé son « désarmement total ». Ce 8 avril, la justice française a mis la main sur des dizaines d'armes et des centaines de kilos d'explosifs grâce à des listes de planques fournies aux autorités. Créé en 1959, le groupe classé jusqu’en 2010 comme terroriste par l’Union européenne procédait à des actions meurtrières il y a encore sept ans.
Catégories: Union européenne

Le fonds souverain de la Norvège confirme son statut d'investisseur responsable

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 18:21
Le fonds souverain de la Norvège, le plus gros du monde, veut plafonner la rémunération des patrons dans les entreprises où il investit. Ce fonds alimenté depuis vingt ans par les revenus pétroliers de l'État norvégien est présent au capital de 9000 entreprises dans le monde.
Catégories: Union européenne

Attentat de Stockholm: les habitants rendent hommage aux victimes

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 15:05
Stockholm est en deuil ce samedi 8 avril, au lendemain de l'attentat au camion bélier qui a fait quatre morts et quinze blessés. Toujours sous le choc, les habitants de la ville rendent hommage aux victimes.
Catégories: Union européenne

Conference on Syria in Brussels – The European Union is already thinking about the post-conflict phase

EU-Logos Blog - sam, 08/04/2017 - 13:19

It will have two main objectives. On the one side, taking stock of the implementation of commitments of the donor community at the London conference, on which the EU has delivered in full. But most of all it will be a political conference, hoping that could be the moment for the international community together to turn the page and start the political transition, the reconciliation process and the reconstruction of Syria”. With these words, the High Representative Federica Mogherini, announced the Conference on Syria held on 5 April, which gathered the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and other delegations in Brussels.

The meeting was held just the day after the airstrike that caused dozens of deaths with chemical weapons in Syria, which triggered the anger and the indignation of the world leaders. A Syrian military source denied that Damascus armed forces are responsible for the alleged chemical attack in north-western Syria. However, France and Britain have announced plans to convene the Security Council of the United Nations, the High Representative gives responsibility to the Assad regime, and Italy wants to play a primary role in condemning the use of weapons of mass destruction against the Syrian people. According to the National Observatory for Human Rights (Ondus) at least 86 people, including 30 minors, were killed in an airstrike that took place in Syria on suspicion of gas use. The attack took place in Khan Sheikhun, in the north-western province of Idlib, that is now in the hands of insurgents and al-Qaeda organization Fatah al-Sham (ex Nusra Front). According to activists’ sources, a few minutes after this heinous act, a field hospital, where the victims of the attack were treated, was struck in another raid.

The Conference objectives

In such a climate of high tension, the Conference on Syria in Brussels was opened. As already mentioned, the previous meeting was held in London on 4 February 2016, during which Member States had pledged more than 3 billion Euros to assist Syrian people in Syria, and refugees in neighbouring countries. With this commitment the EU has tripled the support offered during the previous donors’ conference on 31 March 2015 in Kuwait. In addition, at the London Conference the EU had expressed its intention to substantially increase its support, particularly to Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that have received the largest number of refugees in relation to its population. However, the EU wants to make a further effort.

On 5 April, the European Union, Germany, Kuwait, Norway, Qatar, United Kingdom and the United Nations presided over the Brussels Conference on supporting the future of Syria. They gathered 70 delegations, major donors, civil society, humanitarian and development organizations.

The EU wanted to offer a clear answer to the Syrian people: peace can be built in their country. This is the reason why the EU could be able to rebuild a country in freedom, democracy, in full respect for human life and rights.

According to the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, the first objective of the Conference was to support the Syrians both inside Syria and in neighbouring countries, protecting the most vulnerable people. The second one was to support the region affected by the migration crisis. This is also the reason why the Conference was attended by the Prime Minister of Jordan, Hani Al-Mulki, the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Al-Hariri, but also representatives of countries such as Iraq and Egypt that are hosting the greatest number of Syrians. The third objective was to make the peace process possible, even under UN auspices.

The results of the Conference

The aim of the Conference was the stability, and all the delegations expressed their priorities, considering the events of 3Avril.

Firstly, the international community showed its commitment to work together in order to support a peaceful future for Syria and to allow all Syrians to live in a sovereign, independent, and unitary country, offering peace and security. The EU, together with other partners, is committed to working for a sustainable and inclusive peace process addressing urgent humanitarian needs in Syria and supporting neighbouring countries which until now are hosting more than five million of refugees. In this regard, during the Conference, the need of further humanitarian help for vulnerable people naturally emerged, especially referring to women and children. This is why they decided to respond to this humanitarian crisis: the UN needs $ 8.1 billion to be able to support intervention programs.

Secondly, the excellent work of the Special Envoy of the United Nations in Syria, Staffan de Mistura, and the importance of the Geneva Agreements were underlined. It was also stressed the role of civil society, including women’s organizations, recognized as a fundamental part of a long-lasting solution. More attention has been given to the importance of achieving full compliance with the ceasefire agreed at the meeting in Astana, encouraging Russia, Turkey and Iran to guarantee it.

In January 2017, in Astana (the capital city of Kazakhstan), Russia, Turkey and Iran signed an agreement for the creation of a joint mechanism for monitoring the ceasefire in Syria. In the Joint Declaration, read by Kazakh Foreign Minister, Kairat Abdrakhmanov, the aformentioned countries undertook to use their « influence » to strengthen the ceasefire. Also, they confirmed that the conflict in Syria should be resolved peacefully in accordance with the UN Security Council, claiming to respect « the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity » of Syria. The three countries stated to be ready to fight together against the terrorist groups in Syria such as Isis and the Front Fatah al Sham (formerly the Nusra Front).

The third theme of the conference was the important role played by neighbouring countries: Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. In fact, the EU agreed programs that define the reciprocal commitments between Lebanon and Jordan and the international community. These countries, according to the High Representative, need a support because, without any aid, there is the risk of expanding the footprint of the Islamic State.

Finally, during the meeting it was stressed the importance of the post-conflict reconstruction and international support for its implementation. Although the aftermath of the attack which caused many victims, the EU and its partners believe possible a reconstruction, but at the same time the dramatic nature of the situation due to the regime was underlined.

The stop of Moscow to the UN Security Council

If on one hand the Brussels Conference laid the foundations for an optimistic view of the future, on the other it seems that the Security Council of the United Nations is paralyzed. Moscow has rejected the resolution presented by France, the United Kingdom and the United States. According to Moscow, the US has introduced a resolution based on false reports. Kremlin spokesman also informed that Russia will continue to support the army of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. The UN Council resolution drafted by the US, France and Britain, condemned the chemical attack in Idlib. According to the document, Syrian President Bashar al Assad should “fully cooperate with the investigation mechanism and with the UN and the OPAC. It must provide the data of military flights the day of the attack, the names of the individuals in charge of teams and helicopters, and access to air bases from where chemical weapons are supposed to be launched”. But Russia does not agree.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the draft resolution was based on fake news and reports. The Kremlin believes that the massacre of innocent people caused by nerve gases can be explained in a very different way, which obviously exonerates Bashar al-Assad and his Muscovite allies: the bombs accidently hit a rebels’ weapons cache, which contained the deadly prohibited substances. In short, the rebels would put in circulation a false version of the events to their advantage.

Whatever the truth, the “unacceptable draft” proposed by France, the United Kingdom and the US (and in fact approved by China) contains a different story. It condemns indeed the attack in Khan Sheikun and demands a thorough investigation to identify its perpetrators. In Washington, no one believes the widespread version of the Kremlin, and everyone continues to believe that the Assad government should respond for the nerve gases strike.

Maria Elena Argano

For further information

Sito dell’EEAS:

Sito del Consiglio europeo :

Sito dell’EEAS:

Sito dell’EEAS :

Sito del Consiglio europeo:

Classé dans:Conditions d'accueil des migrants et réfugiés, RELATIONS EXTERIEURES Tagged: european union, onu, syria
Catégories: Union européenne

ETA remet une liste de caches d’armes aux autorités françaises

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 10:42
L'organisation séparatiste basque ETA a « fourni aux autorités françaises une liste de caches d'armes », a confirmé ce samedi, lors d'une conférence de presse à Bayonne, la Commission internationale de vérification (CIV), une structure indépendante. Cette annonce intervient dans le cadre de son « désarmement total ».
Catégories: Union européenne

Attaque de Stockholm: l’homme en garde à vue serait le chauffeur du camion

RFI (Europe) - sam, 08/04/2017 - 04:44
L'homme soupçonné d'« acte terroriste » et placé en garde à vue dans la nuit de vendredi 7 à samedi 8 avril à Stockholm au lendemain de l'attaque au camion bélier qui a fait 4 morts et 15 blessés dans la capitale suédoise, serait le chauffeur du véhicule selon un porte-parole de la police suédoise. Un autre homme soupçonné d'être en lien avec l'attaque a également été interpellé.
Catégories: Union européenne


CSDP blog - ven, 07/04/2017 - 22:14

From 3 to 14 April 2017 in the Western Mediterranean, 1 000 French soldiers participate in SKRENVIL operational training. This joint exercise between the French Army and the Navy is designed to ensure amphibious deployment procedures.

As part of this operational training, an amphibious group is deployed in the Mediterranean. It is composed of the Dixmude (Projection and Command Ship,BPC), Cassard (Antiaircraft Frigate, FAA), Montcalm (Anti-submarine Frigate, FASM) and the Mediterranean demining group (GPD Med). Command Landing Group / CLG is provided at the 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment (2nd REI).

A Joint Battle Group (GTIA) of the 6th Light Armored Brigade composed of different units of the 2th REI, 1st REG (Foreign Regiment of Engineers), 1st REC (Foreign Cavalry Regiment), 3rd RAMa (Marine Artillery Regiment) of the 5th RHC (Combat Helicopter Regiment), is created for the occasion. The major equipment involved is 15 VBCI (Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle) and a dozen VAB (Front Armored Vehicle), as well as 4 Puma and Gazelle helicopters.

The amphibious detachment boarded the Diksmuide with its 2 Equipment Chalands (CTM) and a Rapid Amphibious Landing Craft (EDAR).
This training consists of two phases:
- evacuation of nationals,
- followed by a grounding of the GTIA.
In total, some 20 vehicles, maneuver helicopters and attack helicopters will have to land in a coordinated way to make a progression of about 30 kilometers.

This training is characterized by a suitable training ground, the realism of the scenario, the means and the military capabilities. These are all specific features that allow the Army and the Navy to maneuver jointly and to be sufficiently reactive in the event of an amphibious operation.

Tag: SKRENVIL-2017

L'Italie cumule 817 milliards d'euros de dette fiscale europe-RFI

RFI (Europe) - ven, 07/04/2017 - 22:03
Depuis ces dernières années, le montant des sommes dues au fisc italien - entre impôts et diverses taxes, amendes et cotisations sociales - a augmenté de façon astronomique pour atteindre aujourd'hui 817 milliards d'euros. Maigre consolation pour l'agence chargée de la collecte des impôts : en 2016, le recouvrement a augmenté de 6,17 % par rapport à 2015. Mais récupérer tout ce qui est dû sera impossible, reconnaissent les dirigeants d'Equitalia, l'organisme le plus haï des contribuables Italiens.
Catégories: Union européenne

#Factoftheday: Trump launches a military strike against Syria

EU-Logos Blog - ven, 07/04/2017 - 17:27

« Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike on the air field in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched, […] It is in this vital national security of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. » Trump said during short remarks to reporters at Mar-a-Lago, where he ordered the strike just hours earlier.

« There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the UN Security Council. Years of previous attempts at changing Assad’s behavior have all failed and failed very dramatically. », he added.

According to US Officials, US warships launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles on the Syrian government airbase where were based the warplanes that carried out the chemical attacks. For the president Trump, the strike was made in the « vital interest of the security » of the United States. During his speech, the US President asked the world to join the United States in their fight against terrorism.

Damascus speaks of an aggression. According to preliminary reports, the missiles launched from the US struck the Shayrat air base in central Syria, the alleged launching place of the chemical attack that triggered the American response. The strike was at 08:45 PM (Washington time), the early morning in Syria. The missiles aimed and struck the slopes, equipment, and supply areas.

The Pentagon has stated that the attack on Syria was conducted using 59 Tomahawk missiles launched from the destroyer USS Porter and the USS Ross in the eastern Mediterranean. The Pentagon also defines the launch of American missiles in Syria as a « proportionate response » to the chemical attack, and claimed that the attack against the US air base in Syria has « reduced the ability of the Syrian government of using chemical weapons.« 

The strike is the first direct military action the US has taken against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the country’s six-year civil war. It represents a substantial escalation of the US military campaign in the region, which could be interpreted by the Syrian government as an act of war.

Maria Elena Argano

For further information:

CNN Site:

CNN Site:

TgCom Site:

Classé dans:Fact of the day, Uncategorized Tagged: strike, syria, Trump
Catégories: Union européenne

Nous, les Roms: ce que nous ne sommes pas - ven, 07/04/2017 - 15:51
Les Roms sont victimes de nombreuses discriminations à travers l’Europe. Valeriu Nicolae répond ici aux préjugés les plus stupides.
Catégories: Union européenne

« Nous ne sommes pas des commissaires soviétiques » - ven, 07/04/2017 - 15:46
Pour la commissaire Corina Crețu, le gouvernement grec doit travailler plus étroitement avec Bruxelles pour mettre en œuvre le plan Juncker, sans craindre d'ingérence dans le choix des priorités de financement. Un article d'Euractiv Grèce.
Catégories: Union européenne

Eurodéputés en campagne (3/3) : la question qui fâche

Toute l'Europe - ven, 07/04/2017 - 15:44
A l'approche de l'élection présidentielle, Toute l'Europe va à la rencontre des eurodéputés français directement impliqués dans la campagne.Troisième question sur un élément du programme européen des candidats suscitant la discussion ou la polémique.
Catégories: Union européenne

Eurodéputés en campagne (2/3) : quelle priorité pour l'Europe ?

Toute l'Europe - ven, 07/04/2017 - 15:43
A l'approche de l'élection présidentielle, Toute l'Europe va à la rencontre des eurodéputés français directement impliqués dans la campagne.Deuxième question : quelle est la priorité de votre candidat pour l'Europe ?
Catégories: Union européenne

Eurodéputés en campagne (1/3) : pourquoi votre candidat est-il le meilleur ?

Toute l'Europe - ven, 07/04/2017 - 15:42
A l'approche de l'élection présidentielle, Toute l'Europe va à la rencontre des eurodéputés français directement impliqués dans la campagne.Première question : pourquoi votre candidat est-il le meilleur pour l'Europe ?
Catégories: Union européenne
