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Europäische Union

Zweite Syrien-Hilfskonferenz beginnt in Brüssel - mit Kunst

EuroNews (DE) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 18:40
In dieser Ausgabe von The Brief from Brussels: ein Vorbericht zur Brüsseler Syrien-Konferenz und ein Beitrag zu einer Gesetzesinitiative der
Categories: Europäische Union

EU-Kommission will "Whistleblower" schützen

EuroNews (DE) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 18:20
Timmermans: Insider im investigativen Journalismus entscheidend für Demokratie
Categories: Europäische Union

Brüsseler Syrien-Konferenz beginnt mit Kunstausstellung

EuroNews (DE) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 17:56
Geberländer brachten bislang rund 20 Milliarden Euro an Hilfen zusammen
Categories: Europäische Union

Molenbeeks Kampf, ein normaler Stadtteil zu sein

EuroNews (DE) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 16:24
Brüsseler Gemeinde gilt vielen als Brutstätte des Dschihadismus
Categories: Europäische Union

Aktivist: „Die Menschheit bewegt sich Richtung Selbstzerstörung“ - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 15:23
Der kasachische Maler und Atomwaffentest-Geschädigte Karipbek Kujukow spricht sich im Interview für eine atomwaffenfreie Welt aus.
Categories: Europäische Union

Syrischer Aktivist: "Meine Waffe ist das Wort"

EuroNews (DE) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 15:15
Yahia wurde von Assads Schärgen gefoltert - heute lebt er in Belgien
Categories: Europäische Union

52/2018 : 23. April 2018 - Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-561/14

One of Us u.a./ Kommission
Institutionelles Recht
Das Gericht der EU bestätigt die Entscheidung der Kommission, im Rahmen der Europäischen Bürgerinitiative "Einer von uns" keinen Legislativvorschlag vorzulegen

Categories: Europäische Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 23-29 April 2018
Categories: Europäische Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/459 of 19 March 2018 amending Decision 2011/173/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Categories: Europäische Union

"Supporting the future of Syria and the region": financial tracking report

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
The EU and the UN issued a financial tracking report ahead of the Brussels II conference on "Supporting the future of Syria and the region" that will be held on 24-25 April 2018.
Categories: Europäische Union

Easier access to professions: EU ambassadors agree on new measures

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
On 20 April 2018, the Coreper endorsed an agreement between the Bulgarian presidency of the Council and European Parliament negotiators on a directive that will require EU member states to carry out a proportionality test before establishing new requirements for professions.
Categories: Europäische Union

President Donald Tusk to visit the Western Balkans

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
President Tusk will travel to Tirana, Podgorica, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Skopje from Tuesday 24 to Friday 27 April. The main purpose of the trip is to prepare for the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia on 17 May and to participate in the Brdo-Brijuni summit in Skopje.
Categories: Europäische Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures against Syria

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Implementing Decision 2018/421 of 19 March 2018 implementing Decision 2013/255/CFSP concerning restrictive measures against Syria.
Categories: Europäische Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/476 of 21 March 2018 amending Decision (CFSP) 2015/1333 concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya.
Categories: Europäische Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Egypt

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/466 of 21 March 2018 amending Decision 2011/172/CFSP concerning restrictive measures directed against certain persons, entities and bodies in view of the situation in Egypt.
Categories: Europäische Union

North Korea: EU adds four persons involved in financing of nuclear programme to sanctions list

Europäischer Rat (Nachrichten) - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 14:39
The Council added four persons involved in the financing North Korea's nuclear programme to the list of those subject to an asset freeze and travel restrictions.
Categories: Europäische Union

Amendments 1 - 108 - Accompanying resolution to the consent on the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of...

AMENDMENTS 1 - 108 - Draft report Accompanying resolution to the consent on the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Armenia, of the other part
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
Categories: Europäische Union

Britische Abgeordnete: Harter Brexit wäre „desaströs“ für die Lebensmittelindustrie - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 13:22
Ein No-Deal Brexit wäre "desaströs" für die britische Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie und "muss um jeden Preis vermieden werden", so britische Abgeordnete am Sonntag.
Categories: Europäische Union

Fünf Jahre nach Rana Plaza - Mon, 23/04/2018 - 11:43
Bei dem Fabrikeinsturz in Bangladesch kamen 2013 insgesamt 1.138 Menschen ums Leben. Um solche gravierende Verletzungen von Arbeitsrechten zu begegnen, kommt der Öffentlichen Hand eine zentrale Rolle zu.
Categories: Europäische Union
