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La réforme des structures de gestion de crises au SEAE continue. En toute discrétion

Bruxelles2 - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
(B2 - exclusif) La réforme des structures de gestion de crise entamée fin 2013 — et jamais terminée — ressurgit. Très discrètement, car il s'agit de ne pas semer de "troubles" juste avant le référendum britannique. Une note est sur le bureau de la Haute représentante. Elle a commencé d'être examinée, informellement, par les ambassadeurs […]
Categories: Défense

Le Sénat s'attaque à la loi Travail

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
Attention, débrayages et manifestations XXL en vue, demain, dans la capitale. D'un côté, le tumulte de la rue, de l'autre, les jeux de rôle au Sénat... Revue de détail des troupes.   La manif de...
Categories: France

Le FN, faux paria des médias

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
C'est l'une des rengaines préférées de Marine Le Pen : les grands médias n'inviteraient pas suffisamment le FN sur leurs antennes. Cet argument choc — et efficace — prend aujourd'hui du plomb dans l'aile....
Categories: France

Loi Travail : les syndicats prédisent une mobilisation «énorme» mardi

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
Combien de manifestants, mardi, à Paris ? Pour le premier grand rassemblement national contre la loi Travail, qui va réunir en un même lieu tous les opposants au texte, ce chiffre sera scruté par tous....
Categories: France

13 Novembre, le programme de recherche inédit sur la mémoire des attentats

LeParisien / Politique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
13 Novembre. Derrière la sobriété de l'appellation se cache un programme de recherche hors du commun, coordonné par le CNRS et l'Inserm, l'un des plus ambitieux à ce jour. Un programme à la hauteur de...
Categories: France

Le Conseil de sécurité proroge de six mois le mandat de la Mission de l'ONU en Libye

Centre d'actualités de l'ONU | Afrique - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 07:00
Le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a prorogé lundi jusqu'au 15 décembre 2016 le mandat de la Mission d'appui des Nations Unies en Libye (MANUL).
Categories: Afrique

Can 2017 : Les Ecureuils du Bénin entretiennent l’espoir d’une qualification

La Nouvelle Tribune (Bénin) - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 06:39

Sous la pluie avec une pelouse du stade de l’amitié Général Mathieu Kérékou peu praticable, les Ecureuils du Bénin ont dompté le NZalang national de la Guinée-Equatoriale (2-1) lors du match en retard de la 5è journée des éliminatoires de la Can Gabon 2017.

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Categories: Afrique

American Political Decay or Renewal?

Foreign Affairs - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 06:00

Two years ago, I argued in these pages that America was suffering from political decay. The country’s constitutional system of checks and balances, combined with partisan polarization and the rise of well-financed interest groups, had combined to yield what I labeled “vetocracy,” a situation in which it was easier to stop government from doing things than it was to use govern­ment to promote the common good. Recurrent budgetary crises, stagnating bureaucracy, and a lack of policy innovation were the hall­marks of a political system in disarray.

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The Truth About American Unemployment

Foreign Affairs - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 06:00

In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 and the Great Recession that followed, many economists worried that even if the U.S. economy improved, unemployment would remain high for years to come. Some warned darkly of a “jobless recovery.” Those fears have proved unfounded: since peaking at ten percent in October 2009, the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen by half and is now lower than it was in the years leading up to the crisis. Beyond the basic unemployment rate, a broad range of evidence shows that the labor market has largely returned to good health. Compared with earlier in the recovery, far fewer workers are underemployed or underutilized. Long-term unemployment has fallen steadily, from an all-time high of four percent of the labor force in early 2010 to just over one percent today.

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Projet Grand Porto-Novo: Nathaniel Koukpémédji expose les grandes lignes

La Nouvelle Tribune (Bénin) - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 05:50

Le projet dénommé « Grand Porto-Novo » deviendra bientôt une réalité. Grand Porto-Novo regroupe les communes de Porto-Novo et celles environnantes, notamment Sèmè-Kpodji, Adjarra, Avrankou, Aguégués et Akpro-Missérété.

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Categories: Afrique

Ukraine: déluge de feu séparatiste sur Avdiivka, dans le Donbass

RFI (Europe) - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 05:06
En Ukraine, la situation semble de nouveau dégénérer dans le Donbass, où malgré les efforts diplomatiques, les combats sont de plus en plus rapprochés et sanglants, aggravant encore le bilan du conflit. Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, les forces ukrainiennes auraient perdu, selon les sources, entre six et dix hommes, ce qui pourrait faire de ce week-end le plus meurtrier depuis un an et demi. Ces bombardements renouvelés se concentrent autour de la petite ville industrielle d’Avdiivka.
Categories: Union européenne

Sudan's NCP welcomes efforts to convince opposition to sign peace roadmap

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 04:38

June 12, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan's ruling National Congress Party (NCP) Sunday welcomed the "positive efforts" backing the government-signed Roadmap Agreement saying it provides the best way to stop war and achieve peace in the country.

AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki meets opposition NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on June 2, 2016 (Courtesy photo of NUP)

The statement comes amid unconfirmed reports about a meeting to discuss the opposition reservations over the peace plan in Addis Ababa next Wednesday between the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP), and the four groups : National Umma Party, Justice and Equality Movement, Sudan Liberation Movement - Minnin Minnawi and Sudan People's Liberation Movement -North.

“We welcome all the positive efforts reiterating that the Roadmap Agreement is the ideal solution for stopping war and achieving peace," said a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday.

It further called on all parties that "are still sheltering behind a gun to consider the suffering of civilians and sign the Roadmap to begin phases of peace to stop war and end the suffering of civilians”.

The holdout opposition groups refused last March to sign the peace plan saying it excludes important opposition groups, acknowledges the internal dialogue process and ignores important confidence building measures such as ensuring political freedoms and release of political prisoners and detainees.

The NCP has described the ongoing political and societal dialogue in the country as the wider and comprehensive framework to create permanent and constructive solutions to the country's political crisis.

The statement further said that the African Union brokered Roadmap Agreement remains the best way to stop war and achieve peace.

The NCP has meanwhile commended "the efforts of the facilitators, the African Union, the AUHIP and the chief mediator Thabo Mbeki" for his efforts to achieve peace in the country.

NUP leader agreed recently with AUHIP chairman Thabo Mbeki on the need to meet the armed groups and to discuss the outstanding matters.

It was also reported that the U.S. Special Envoy Donald Booth held a series of contacts with the rebel groups to encourage them to ink the peace plan.


Categories: Africa

Sudan pledges to hand over geological information to South Sudan

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 03:02

June 12, 2016 (KHARTOUM) - Sudanese Ministry of Minerals has pledged to hand over huge and valuables geological information in its possession to the government of South Sudan.

Gold bullion blocks pictured at a gold refinery in Khartoum on 11 October 2012 (SUNA)

On Sunday, Sudanese and South Sudanese delegations have started joint discussions in Khartoum headed by Sudanese Minster of Minerals, Ahmed Sadig al- Karouri and his South Sudanese counterpart, Taban Deng Gai,

On Saturday, a South Sudanese delegation headed by the Minister Taban Deng arrived in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, in an official visit for several days to hold talks on bilateral cooperation on mineral sector.

The two parties reviewed the previously signed cooperation agreements and South Sudan's interest to obtain some geological information from the Public Authority for Geological Research , which is the technical arm of the Ministry of Minerals.

Minister al- Karouri told reporters after the meeting that Sudan will hand over all the needed geological information to South Sudan; train South Sudan geological and technical cadres and enhance joint cooperation in the field of minerals.

Minister Gai, on his part, told media that South Sudan is keen benefit from Sudan's experience in the exploitation and development of minerals.

"We came to Khartoum to learn from our brothers in Sudan how they managed so quickly to incorporate minerals revenues to the state treasury," Gai said.

He stressed that there is evidence of valuable mineral resources such as gold and diamonds in 44% of South Sudan area.

He added that the purpose of their visit to Khartoum is to get acquainted with South Sudan geological information stored in the north before the secession..

"We came as partners; and one family and not as competitors. Our goal is to develop this important sector to contribute to the economy of the two countries along with the development of all fields, Petroleum and minerals, and internal and external trade in order to contribute and help each other," he said.

The visiting South Sudan delegation paid a visit to Sudan Gold Refinery, which is one of the largest in Africa and the Public Authority for Geological Research.

Relations between the two nations soured after South Sudan's independence in July 2011, following a series of disputes over a number of issues.

However, last week, the Joint Political and Security Committee (JPSC) between the two countries signed a series of security agreements, including immediate re-deployment of joint military unity along the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone (SDBZ), and agreed to open the 10 crossings points.


Categories: Africa

Greater Bahr el Ghazal governors to prioritise roads, security

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 03:02

June 10, 2016 (RUMBEK) - Governors of South Sudan's Greater Bahr el Ghazal region at a meeting held in Lakes state, vowed to prioritise road construction and security issues.

Akec Tong Aleu (ST Photo)

The officials said Ayat, a road construction company will ensure areas are connected by road from Terekeka, Yirol, Rumbek, Cueibet, Tonj and Wau.

The governor of Tonj state, Akec Tong Aleu said the meeting called for the immediate shutdown of all illegal checkpoints along the road linking Bahr el Ghazal region till Abyei.

"The most top priority now for this meeting is the road accessibility because the rain is coming heavily and we want to see the road is good such that we divide it into five category so that everybody can work hard to maintain the road on his side", said Aleu.

Construction of roads will reportedly be supported by Ayat company and each governor will take charge of providing fuel and incentives to drivers and workers on the highway.

“So we agreed with Ayat such that they give us equipments, we get the fuel and incentive for the drivers” said Aleu, adding, “Security in the road and unncessary checkpoints in the area be removed immediately.”

The governors of Terekeka (Jubek state), Yirol (Eastern Lakes), Cueibet (Gok state), Rumbek (Western Lakes state), Wau (Wau state) and Tonj state attended the meeting.

Meanwhile Aleu confirmed that 81 pastoralists were for resisting disarmament in the area. The Disarmament Bill was passed by Tonj state parliament in March this year.

Some of those arrested were accused of committing murder and inter-state cattle raids.

“The state security have managed to arrest 81 people in Tonj East counties, 49 pastoralists youth in Tonj South, with 32 youth being questioned with different crimes such as cattle raid, resistance to disarmament and murder-related cases", said Aleu.

Those apprehended, he added, would be produced in court or face legal consequences.


Categories: Africa

Sudanese comedienne makes an impression

BBC Africa - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:31
The young comedienne taking a humorous look at Arab women's' issues
Categories: Africa

SPLM-IO to train officials on code of conduct and leadership

Sudan Tribune - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:01

June 11, 2016 (JUBA) - South Sudan's armed opposition under leadership of the first vice president, Riek Machar said they have started a three week training of military officers from the ranks of second lieutenants to general as part of the signed peace agreement.

Lt. Gen. James Koang Chuol, in Unity state 25 February, 2013 (ST)

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, Lt. Gen James Koang Chuol, the deputy chief of staff for administration and finance, said the training kicked off on Friday.

The officers, he said, are under going training on rule of law, leadership, code of conduct in militarily service training, stressing the need disseminate information on the peace deal.

Chuol, however, admitted they lack a budget and equipments to facilitate the training.

The senior opposition official said training was ongoing despite challenges, adding they are doing what they can to make sure knowledge was passed to all the participants.

Both low and high ranking officials were targetted with plans to also train Police officers. The training will be passed on to low ranking officers at various deployment sites.

The armed opposition signed an accord with the government to end over 20 months of a violent conflict that killed tens of thousands of people and displaced over two million.


Categories: Africa

L'accord UE-Turquie et ses implications<br /><span style="font-weight:normal">Un partenariat incontournable mais sous conditions</span>

Fondation Robert Schuman / Publication - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:00
Inscrite dans les dix priorités du programme de Jean-Claude Juncker lors de la campagne des élections européennes de mai 2014, la réponse apportée à la gestion des migrants - on ne parlait pas encore de réfugiés - répondait aux préoccupations des Etats confrontés à un afflux...

Fondation, "Rapport Schuman sur l'Europe, l'état de l'Union 2016"

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:00
La 10e édition du "Rapport Schuman sur l'Europe, l'état de l'Union 2016" est paru et est disponible en librairie, sur le site de la Fondation et en version numérique. Commandez-le.

Crise financière, Etude de l'OCDE sur l'Union européenne et la zone euro

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:00
Selon deux nouvelles études de l'OCDE publiées le 10 juin, l'économie européenne se redresse peu à peu, mais les séquelles de la crise économique mondiale pèsent encore sur la croissance.

Crise financière, Estimations de la Banque d'Espagne sur le déficit public

Fondation Robert Schuman / Actualités - Mon, 13/06/2016 - 02:00
Le 7 juin, la Banque d'Espagne a estimé que le pays n'arriverait pas à réduire son déficit public en dessous de 3% du PIB avant 2018.
