The U.S. Army has released a new requirement for three light armoured vehicles to help it transition into a more expeditionary force and increase air-landing capabilities. The three vehicles – mobile protected firepower (MPF), ultra-lightweight combat vehicle (ULCV), and light re
Belgian/Swiss Piranha IIIC DF90 Fire Support Vehicle
Australia’s Future Submarine Sea 1000 programme, which will replace its ageing fleet of Collins-class vessels, took another turn with Saab making a last minute offer for the work. The company has not made an official bid but claims to be talking to the Australian government about
Without a doubt, surface warships are one of the most complex weapon platforms developed by humanity. They represent inherent compromises between
The U.S. Navy has hit back at its critics with a staunch defence of the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) programme . Lt Robert Myers, a Pentagon spokesman for the Navy, charged that critics have rounded on the LCS because of outdated perspectives, stressing that the vers
Polish Wilk 105-mm Fire Support Vehicle
Australian Canberra Class Amphibious Assault Ship
Chinese Shaanxi Y-8 Tactical Transport Aircraft
Japanese Kawasaki C-2 Medium-Range Transport Aircraft
It’s been a torrid year for the civilian aviation industry with this year’s news cycle dominated by the tragic fates of Malaysian Airline flights MH17 and MH370. Airlines and governments are raising concerns about passenger safety as industry enters a period of thorough sel
United Technologies Corp's Pratt & Whitney unit said the "root cause" of the June 23 engine failure on a Lockheed Martin Corp F-35 fighter jet should be clear by the end of September, which would pave the way for over $1 billion in contracts for another 84 engines.
American Tank Urban Survival Kit (TUSK)
With polls suggesting the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ vote are neck and neck in the run up to the Scottish referendum on independence, attention has again been drawn to the future of the United Kingdom’s nuclear Trident programme. The Ro
Russian Antonov An-12 Tactical Transport Aircraft
Japanese Kawasaki C-1 Tactical Transport Aircraft
American M1A2 SEP Main Battle Tank
On the first day of the NATO summit in Newport, UK defence secretary Michael Fallon announced a deal with Latvia to sell 123 surplus combat reconnaissance armoured vehicles. The Latvian Army will pay £39.4 million for the vehicles, including overhaul and refurbishment.
Chris Markey is the Chairman of the Defence Forum of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK (CILT). He provides advice and consultancy support in both commercial and defence sectors, primarily on supply chain and logistic issues. Ahead of his presentation at the Qatar