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Defence`s Feeds

The armoured fist - reserved, for when you need it!

DefenceIQ - Tue, 19/08/2014 - 06:00
There is an argument that the Army is always lagging behind the civilian environment; similarly, the UK is often assessed to be somewhat behind the US. It is therefore instructive to examine one of the main issues being tackled – somewhat successfully – by US corporations o
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Oshkosh MK36 - Tue, 19/08/2014 - 01:40

American Oshkosh MK36 Wrecker
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

UK maritime capability: The missing element

DefenceIQ - Mon, 18/08/2014 - 06:00
By Vice-Admiral Sir Jeremy Blackham and Air Vice-Marshal Andrew L. Roberts for the United Kingdom National Defence Association ( UKNDA ). Introduction Following the 2010 Strategic Defence a
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

EMBRAER KC-390 - Mon, 18/08/2014 - 01:55

Brazilian EMBRAER KC-390 Medium-Range Transport Aircraft
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

BREM-1 - Sun, 17/08/2014 - 01:55

Russian BREM-1 Armored Recovery Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Bergepanzer 3A1 - Sat, 16/08/2014 - 01:20

German Bergepanzer 3A1 Armored Recovery Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Jericho III - Fri, 15/08/2014 - 01:45

Israeli Jericho III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Oshkosh LVSR MKR15 - Thu, 14/08/2014 - 01:45

American Oshkosh LVSR MKR15 Heavy Wrecker
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

M916 - Tue, 12/08/2014 - 23:45

American M916 Tractor Truck
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

M1089 - Tue, 12/08/2014 - 01:20

American M1089 Wrecker
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INS Vikrant - Sun, 10/08/2014 - 23:20

Indian Vikrant Aircraft Carrier
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Kozak - Sat, 09/08/2014 - 22:30

Ukrainian Kozak Light Protected Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

PUMA - Sat, 09/08/2014 - 01:55

Israeli PUMA Minefield Breaching Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Agni V - Fri, 08/08/2014 - 00:30

Indian Agni V Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Oshkosh LVSR MKR16 - Wed, 06/08/2014 - 18:45

American Oshkosh LVSR MKR16 Tractor Truck
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

TRANSALL C-160 - Wed, 06/08/2014 - 01:55

French / German TRANSALL C-160 Tactical Transport Aircraft
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

OPV Procurement Map 2014 [Interactive]

DefenceIQ - Tue, 05/08/2014 - 06:00
View the latest (Summer 2014) offshore patrol vessel acquisition plans from across the international market. Simply click on the thumbnail below to access the graphic.  

How the Danish Air Force Academy is taking serious gaming seriously

DefenceIQ - Tue, 05/08/2014 - 06:00
While mass multiplayer video gaming is still a burgeoning field within the military domain, the concept of serious gaming is not a new one, nor one that has hinged on the development of digital technology. From board games to card games, involving recruits in activities that requires l
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The challenges facing Finland's maritime border patrol

DefenceIQ - Tue, 05/08/2014 - 06:00
At this year’s forthcoming Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance conference, the twelfth annual event in the series, much of the focus of the dialogue will turn to Coast Guards and Border Protection agencies, who deal with varying levels of criminal activity in the maritime do
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Red Cross: Saving the lives of the life-savers

DefenceIQ - Tue, 05/08/2014 - 06:00
Those who practice medicine in the battlefield routinely and voluntarily put their lives on the line. However, as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is quick to point out, that does not mean those practitioners are exempt from the right, the need, nor the expectation f
Categories: Defence`s Feeds
