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European Union

Eva en Europa: Rumbo a la Unión genuina - Wed, 18/03/2015 - 09:02
Este fin de semana he tenido la gran fortuna de participar como panelista en el “Training weekend” de los Federalistas Europeos en Madrid. En el panel matinal abordamos las enormes posibilidades que ofrece el federalismo, dejando en el ai...
Categories: European Union

Social Europe: "How The Troika Breaches EU Law" by Lukas Oberndorfer - Wed, 18/03/2015 - 08:32
How did the troika come about formally? In 2010 it became apparent that the European constitution offers no clues as to how one should handle financial crises on this scale. So, instead of setting in train the democratic procedures designed to do thi...
Categories: European Union

Se former à la communication européenne: Comment le digital révolutionne et responsabilise le lobbying européen ? - Wed, 18/03/2015 - 04:32
Categories: Communication sur l'Europe, Web et EuropeTags: citoyens, communication européenne, lobbying, open-dataLa scène bruxelloise, jadis connue comme l’un des plus grands centres de lobbying va-t-elle dorénavant se fai...
Categories: European Union

Europe 27etc: The ECB and Quantitative Easing: Droit devant! - Wed, 18/03/2015 - 03:02
Mario Dragi is from all evidence a skilled navigator, and the European Central Bank that he has come to define has never before been so powerful. At the end of the day though, it will take more than monetary policy to pull Europe out of the doldrums.
Categories: European Union
