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Sokan kerültek kórházba az elmúlt 5 napban Marosvásárhelyen, mert elestek a jeges járdákon

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - mer, 11/01/2017 - 08:38

73 személy szorult ellátásra rándulás, ficamodás vagy csonttörés miatt, nyilatkozta Mariana Negoiţă, a Marosvásárhelyi Sürgősségi Klinikai Kórház szóvivője. Hozzátette, 17 személy esetében műtétet is végrehajtottak.

Ma is szünetel az oktatás 14 megye és a főváros összes iskolájában

Erdély FM (Románia/Erdély) - mer, 11/01/2017 - 08:37

Az érintett megyék: Brassó, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Buzău, Dâmboviţa, Prahova, Tulcea, Vrancea, Ilfov, Konstanca, Olt, Călăraşi, Ialomiţa és Argeş. Részlegesen függesztik fel a tanórákat ma Iaşi, Temes, Krassó-Szörény, Hunyad, Szeben és Fehér megyékben. Tegnap hat iskolából és három napköziből 400 gyereket küldtek haza Maros megyében, mivel a hőközpontok nem tudták kifűteni az épületeket.

Le succès de "l'Amiral Hmeimim"

Source : forum Balancer. Vladimir Poutine a annoncé le 29 décembre un allégement du dispositif militaire russe en Syrie, alors même qu'un régime de cessation des hostilités mis au point par Moscou et Ankara voyait le jour. Suite à cette décision, le groupe...
Catégories: Défense

«Elphi», la philharmonie des superlatifs inaugurée à Hambourg

RFI (Europe) - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:51
Après dix ans de travaux et 789 millions d’euros dépensés, la philharmonie de l’Elbe à Hambourg sera inaugurée ce mercredi 11 janvier par un concert de l’Orchestre du NDR et en présence de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel. L’édifice est déjà comparé à l’opéra de Sidney en Australie par le symbole fort qu’il représente. Les Hambourgeois lui ont déjà donné un petit nom, « Elphi ». La philharmonie de l’Elbe est un bâtiment des superlatifs, par son architecture, son acoustique, son coût astronomique, mais aussi l’enjeu culturel et touristique qu’il représente.
Catégories: Union européenne

Kosovo Pressed to Choose European Integration Minister

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:44
Kosovo’s government remains without a European integration minister because the ruling coalition has yet not proposed anyone, causing the European Parliament to voice its concern.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia Bank’s Hope of Introducing Euro Questioned

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:42
The Croatian National Bank wants to introduce the euro, but an economics expert warned that the public debt and current state budget are not favourable for such a move at the moment.
Catégories: Balkan News

LA PRESIDENTIELLE EN DIRECT. Fillon et Mélenchon font salle comble à Nice et au Mans

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:42
Alors que la campagne pour la primaire de la gauche bat son plein, et que les autres candidats à l'élection présidentielle profitent des cérémonies de voeux pour faire leur rentrée, Le Parisien vous propose...
Catégories: France

US Senators to Vote on Montenegro’s NATO Bid

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:41
The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee is to vote on ratifying Montenegro's NATO accession on Wednesday, although some Americans claim that accepting the tiny Balkan country could further damage ties with Russia.
Catégories: Balkan News

Moldova President Sparks Intrigue by Meeting Separatist Leader

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:40
A surprise meeting between Moldova’s new pro-Moscow president and the leader of separatist Transnistria triggered controversy over whether it was a political gambit or a sign of growing Russian involvement.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanians Abroad Unite for Kosovo Ex-PM Haradinaj

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:40
Albanians worldwide have become involved in a protest campaign over the detention in France of former Kosovo PM Ramush Haradinaj - causing an angry reaction from Serbia, which requested his arrest.
Catégories: Balkan News

A make-or-break moment for Europe’s rules on bank crises

FT / Brussels Blog - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:28

To receive the Brussels Briefing in your inbox every morning, register for a free FT account here and then sign up here.

A disaster at Christmas may have been averted, but don’t think Italy’s bank problems are over.

Read more
Catégories: European Union

Coignard - Najat Vallaud-Belkacem : la ministre qui glousse et qui toise

Le Point / France - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:18
VIDÉO. Mardi soir, à l'Assemblée nationale, la ministre de l'Éducation nationale a carrément perdu ses nerfs. Un étrange comportement de fin de règne.
Catégories: France

Présidentielle : être antisystème, la recette 2017

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:00
Quelle mouche les pique tous ? Longtemps l'apanage du FN (parti anti-« UMPS ») puis de Jean-Luc Mélenchon (haro sur le capitalisme libéral et mondialisé), la posture antisystème est devenue le passage...
Catégories: France

Primaire à gauche : dis-moi à quoi ressemble ton QG, je te dirai qui tu es...

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:00
L'air de rien, ils en disent long sur les candidats. Les QG de campagne sont autant de lieux stratégiques où se prennent des décisions cruciales, où les troupes se réunissent, travaillent d'arrache-pied....
Catégories: France

Législatives. A Montreuil, le bras droit de Mélenchon prêt à défier le PC

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:00
La guerre des gauches aura bien lieu à Montreuil. Alexis Corbière, porte-parole de Jean-Luc Mélenchon, est investi aux législatives dans la 7e circonscription de la Seine-Saint-Denis, à cheval sur la cinquième...
Catégories: France

Présidentielle : «Vous devrez faire avec mes sourcils broussailleux», s'amuse Fillon

LeParisien / Politique - mer, 11/01/2017 - 07:00
« On a eu un Fillon taille patron », résume Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, sénateur de l'Yonne, après les vœux du candidat de la droite adressés aux parlementaires et à la presse, depuis son nouveau QG de campagne,...
Catégories: France

25 local government administrators graduate in Yambio

Sudan Tribune - mer, 11/01/2017 - 06:54

January 9, 2017 (YAMBIO) – At least 25 administrative officials drawn from six counties in Gbudue, one of South Sudan's newly-created states have completed three weeks of intensive training on their job.

The map of Western Equatoria in red

The acting state governor, Victor Edward Kpiawandu urged the new graduates to be a bridge between the government and the communities at all levels to implement government policies, accordingly.

The administrative officials, he said, will be deployed in the newly-created counties of Gbudue state.

After the creation of the 28 new states, most of the few administrators went to their respective states in Western Equatoria state, creating gaps in over 10 created new counties and payams,” said the governor.

He cautioned the officials to desist from politics and embark on administrative issues and development of their departments where they would be deployed, adding that they should work hand in hand with their commissioners and should not undermine orders given by top government officials.

The minister of local government and law enforcement in Gbudue state, Jackson Ezekiel said, training of the new and old local government administrators was a project initiated before state was created and the training could not take place due to lack of resources and insecurity in the state.

He stressed the importance of the local administrative officials they are the machine of the government to implement all policies and development at grass root levels to deliver service to the community.


Catégories: Africa

South Sudan renews rejection to regional protection force

Sudan Tribune - mer, 11/01/2017 - 06:26

January 10, 2017 (JUBA) - South Sudan government now says it will not accept the deployment of regional protection forces, claiming the country's security situation has improved.

South Sudan's defence minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk, pictured following a cabinet meeting in Juba on 17 January 2014 (Photo: Reuters/Andreea Campeanu)

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, the presidential advisor on security affairs, Tut Gatluak questioned whether it was still necessity to send regional protection forces.

“They were talking about security but now security situation has improved. Juba is safe and everyone is the witness. The Christmas and New Year celebrations went well, now you can move freely because security situation has improved. The national dialogue has been launched and the agreement is being implemented," said Gatluak.

The cantonment sites for SPLA-IO forces have been agreed and directives have been given for them to move into these area. Everything is moving well”, he added.

South Sudan's defence minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk equally dismissed claims that fighting still existed in Juba hence the need to justify deployment of the protection force.

“We acknowledge that there are problems in South Sudan and it is our duty as government to resolve these challenges," Juuk told a social gathering held in Juba.

He accused the United Nations of compiling reports from individuals in order to justify calls for the deployment of the regional protection force and to back up other voices.

Juuk rejected demands for revival of the peace accord, calling upon the international community to support the unity government to help restore peace and stability in the country.

“There are individuals now calling for renegotiation on the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. This is interference with another country's sovereignty, and we totally reject that, I also call upon South Sudanese citizens to reject this. We are not toys, but a nation, “ he stressed.


Catégories: Africa

Sudanese rebels won't meet government in Paris: Arman

Sudan Tribune - mer, 11/01/2017 - 06:20
SPLM-N Secretary General speaking at the Eldorado Book center in Oslo, Norway, on 10 January 2017 (ST)

January 10, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - The rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) Tuesday denied that arrangements are underway to hold a meeting between the government and the armed groups in Paris or elsewhere in Europe accusing Khartoum of seeking to impede unity of the opposition forces.

On Monday, Sudan's Information Minister Ahmed Balal Osman disclosed an American initiative to hold a meeting between his government and the armed groups in France this week.

He told reporters that the informal consultations meeting may take place on 15-16 January in Paris.

However, SPLM-N Secretary General Yasser Arman on Tuesday told Sudan Tribune that there are no arrangements to hold such a meeting on 15 or 20 January, stressing they wouldn't engage in any political talks with the government.

He renewed his movement's declared position that it would only engage in talks on humanitarian issues, reiterating the SPLM-N refusal to resume political talks.

“We know that President Mbeki would address the African Union Peace and Security Council and we have nothing to do with that [because] these arrangements pertain to the African Union,” he said.

He criticized Sudan's Information Minister, saying “he doesn't have information even about what his own government is doing”.

Last August, Sudanese government and armed groups in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states failed to reach two agreements on cessation of hostilities and humanitarian access, seen as important step before to engage in political talks ahead of an inclusive constitutional conference.

The armed movements involved in the African Union mediated negotiations are the SPLM-N, Sudan Liberation Movement–Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM), Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).


Meanwhile, Arman pointed to the government attack against SPLM-N positions in the Blue Nile state, saying “clashes still ongoing in the area”.

On Monday, SPLM-N accused the Sudanese government forces of attacking its positions in the Blue Nile State.

“Today 9th of Jan 2017 at 6:00 am, National congress party (NCP) forces and militias in Blue Nile region attacked SPLM/N controlled area of Arum,” said Arnu Nugultu Lodi, the SPLM-N spokesperson on Monday.

Last June, Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir declared a four-month unilateral cessation of hostilities in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. On December 31st he extended of the ceasefire for one month.

Also, SPLM-N, SLM-MM and JEM in October 2016 extended for six months the unilateral cessation of hostilities in Darfur, Blue Nile and south Kordofan they declared in October 2015 and April of this year.

The Sudanese army has been fighting the SPLM-N rebels in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, also known as “Two Areas” since 2011 and a group of armed movements in Darfur since 2003.


In a related context, Arman pointed to recent statements by the British Ambassador to Khartoum Michael Aron about the recent meetings between his government and the SPLM-N.

Speaking to the press in the capital of South Darfur Nyala, Aron Monday said that his government last week in a meeting held in London had discussed the Roadmap Agreement implementation with the SPLM-N Secretary General, adding that Sudanese people would hear good news soon.

Arman said the meeting with the British officials discussed the American humanitarian initiative laid out by the US Special Envoy Donald Booth last November, pointing they received the initiative in December and would respond to it on January 13.

“We are ready to meet with the American and British officials and we wouldn't meet with the [Sudanese] government and this is what we said to the British and American governments and we will say it to the Norway government in our meeting with it today” he said.


The rebel leader renewed his movement's call to unify the opposition forces and escalate the mass action to topple the regime, saying the regime is not keen to reach peace and democratic transformation through dialogue.

“We would press ahead with the [implementation] of the programme to unify the opposition … the regime is ruined and bankrupt and the Sudanese people must get ready to overthrow it and shouldn't expect any solutions from al-Bashir and his regime” he said

It is noteworthy that the Leadership Council of the opposition umbrella Sudan Call would meet from 15 to 20 January. Also, contacts are ongoing to unify the two factions of the rebel umbrella Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF).

Also, the SPLM-N recently held meetings with the Broad National Front (BNF) and the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP) within the framework of establishing a unified center for the opposition to topple the regime.

Catégories: Africa

Kosovo and Serbia: Non-Cooperation Perpetuates Injustice

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 11/01/2017 - 06:17
The arrest in France of Kosovo’s ex-PM Ramush Haradinaj on a Serbian warrant highlighted how continuing enmity and lack of cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina means war criminals are not facing trial.
Catégories: Balkan News
