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En Guinée et en Côte d’Ivoire, du KO électoral au KO institutionnel

mar, 08/12/2015 - 17:16
L’année en cours aura été une année électorale chargée en Afrique de l’Ouest. Après le Togo et le Nigeria, la Guinée et la Côte d’Ivoire ont organisé des élections présidentielles en octobre dernier. Le « coup KO » annoncé dans les slogans de campagne a eu lieu, et les présidents sortants ont été largement réélus dès le premier tour : Alassane Ouattara en Côte d’Ivoire avec 83,6 pour cent des voix, et Alpha Condé en Guinée avec 57,8 pour cent.

In Memoriam, Samuel R. Berger<br />1945 - 2015

mer, 02/12/2015 - 22:19
Crisis Group mourns the passing today of Sandy Berger, a tremendous friend and colleague who worked tirelessly to promote greater peace and security in a troubled world. He died of cancer at the age of 70.

La Tunisie saura-t-elle montrer l’exemple ?

mer, 02/12/2015 - 13:49
L’impact psychologique de l’attentat suicide en Tunisie le 25 novembre qui a coûté la vie à douze membres de la garde présidentielle est peut-être plus important que celui des attaques contre les touristes étrangers en mars et juin 2015 au Bardo et à Sousse. La garde présidentielle est un corps d’élite assurant la protection du président, du Parlement, et de la présidence du gouvernement. Le symbole est extrêmement fort. L’objectif des commanditaires a été, sans nul doute, d’approfondir les divisions au sein de la société et de la classe politique en mettant en lumière un Etat incapable d’assurer sa propre sécurité, y compris dans la capitale.

CrisisWatch | Tracking Conflict Worldwide

mar, 01/12/2015 - 18:44
November saw further military escalation and setbacks in Syria, particularly after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane it claimed had violated its airspace. Meanwhile, several countries faced extremist attacks claimed by the Islamic State (IS), including in Lebanon, France and Bangladesh. Violence also rose in Turkey between the state and Kurdish insurgents. In Venezuela, political tensions and violence increased ahead of parliamentary elections scheduled for 6 December and could worsen, while both Nepal and Kosovo faced deepening political crises. In a positive step forward, Burkina Faso and Myanmar experienced peaceful and openly-contested elections last month.

О рассерженной молодежи на улице Котрова

mar, 01/12/2015 - 11:06
Ситуация вокруг махачкалинской мечети на улице Котрова вступает в новую стадию. Духовное управление мусульман Дагестана, в чье ведение перешла мечеть, решило предоставить джамаату полное право выбора нового имама.

Tuer les autres, se tuer soi-même

lun, 30/11/2015 - 09:55
La violence des jeunes auteurs des attentats de Paris fonde une identité valorisante de héros moderne, d’un romantisme guerrier que les réseaux sociaux contribuent à construire dans un contexte européen d’intolérance raciste et d’absence d’avenir pour toute une jeunesse. L’organisation de l’État islamique la récupère à son profit en lui offrant un espace concret où elle peut s’incarner.

Burundi: How to Deconstruct Peace

mer, 25/11/2015 - 09:40
Burundi is back in the spotlight of the world’s media and the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. As recently as two years ago, the country was considered a success story in peacebuilding circles, but now the news is firmly of a negative variety. The UN is trying to prevent a new civil war in a region still haunted by the Rwandan genocide. How did success so quickly turn to failure?

The Dangers of a European War on Terror

mar, 24/11/2015 - 16:29
I am French and as such deeply saddened by what happened in Paris, especially after the bombs in Beirut and the destruction of a Russian airliner. Yet I am also a European citizen, deeply concerned by the damage a combination of the terrorist attacks and the refugee crisis may do to European values and to the European project itself.

De amnistías y otros demonios

lun, 23/11/2015 - 15:34
¿Es posible revisar el perdón que en su momento recibieron los integrantes del M-19? ¿Qué alcance tienen las acciones de un fiscal o de un juez? ¿Por qué en América Latina se han caído tantas amnistías? ¿Por qué en Colombia no existe la memoria histórica?

La trascendental decisión de indultar a 30 guerrilleros

lun, 23/11/2015 - 15:14
La medida del Gobierno es una señal de que el cese bilateral al fuego y el acuerdo final están más cerca de lo que las discrepancias entre las partes insinúa.

After landslide victory comes the hard part

mer, 18/11/2015 - 09:47
Myanmar's people have voted overwhelmingly for change. It may have been a simple message -- some would say simplistic, given the deep problems the country faces -- but the campaign slogan of the National League for Democracy, "time for change," resonated powerfully in a country still emerging from five decades of authoritarian rule.

AU was set up for an explosive crisis like Burundi; it must act

lun, 16/11/2015 - 10:20
The deteriorating situation in Burundi is a perfect storm of much that undermines stability in Africa today — presidents seeking impunity and power through dubious new terms, authoritarian regimes muzzling opposition and independent media, regional rivalries stalemating efforts to bring peace and outside powers unwilling or unable to act.

Joint NGO Statement Urging Coordinated Global Response to the Escalating Human Rights Crisis in Burundi

ven, 13/11/2015 - 09:50
We, the undersigned organisations, urge a coordinated global response to the escalating human rights crisis in Burundi, before it is too late. With an increase in killings – many by the security forces –, inflammatory and threatening public statements by high level officials and provocative attacks on the security forces by armed opposition, the international community is being put to the test.

<p dir="RTL" style="text-align: right;">كوردەکان تەنها پێویستیان بە چەک نی</p>

ven, 06/11/2015 - 12:20
لەو کاتەوە کە داعش دەستی بە داگیرکردنی چەند ناوچەیەکی بەرچاوی عێراق و باکوری سوریا کرد لێکۆڵەرەوە و ڕاوێژکارەکان سەرنجیان بۆ پرسێک ڕاکێشرا: ئایە باشە ئەمریکا کوردەکان پڕچەک بکات لە جەنگی دژی گروپێکی تیرۆرستیی جیهادی یاخود نا.

Burundi: Conflict Alert

jeu, 05/11/2015 - 19:05
Burundi again faces the possibility of mass atrocities and civil war. Escalating violence, increasingly hardline rhetoric and the continued stream of refugees (more than 200,000) indicate that divisions are widening, and the “national dialogue” is doing little to relieve the mounting tensions. According to Crisis Group’s sources as well as media reports, it appears that President Pierre Nkurunziza and those around him intend to use force to end the protests that have been held in Bujumbura since April. The president made public an ultimatum giving the “criminals” seven days to lay down arms. Révérien Ndikuriyo, the Senate president, cryptically warned on 1 November that the police would soon go to “work” and asked district heads to identify “elements which are not in order”. The language is unambiguous to Burundians and chillingly similar to that used in Rwanda in the 1990s before the genocide.

Open Letter on Egypt to the UK Prime Minister

mer, 04/11/2015 - 10:25
Tomorrow [assuming release on Wednesday] you will receive President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt in Downing Street. Few would deny the importance of maintaining contact with Egypt’s leadership, in light of the range of interests that the UK has with Egypt and the significant security threats emanating from the Middle East. But it would be incompatible with British and European interests and values to give President Sisi the endorsement of a Downing Street welcome without also making clear that Egypt’s current direction raises serious concerns. You should take this opportunity to press Mr. Sisi to ensure respect for the rule of law and human rights, and call on him to free more prisoners detained illegally or due to unjust laws.

Внимавајте на македонската криза..може да прерасне во нова балканска трагедија

mar, 03/11/2015 - 18:16
На крајот на летото Македонија прогласи вонредна состојба и привремено ги затвори своите граници со Грција и Србија. Малата балканска нација се придружи на поголемиот дел од Европа во паничниот, слабо разгледан и лошо имплементиран одговор на трагедијата со азилантите. Македонија е ситен играч во таа криза, која што достигнува димензии на Voelkerwanderung – масовно движење на лица со размери невидени на континентот после падот на Римската Империја. Но, како што летото преминува во есен, Македонија мора брзо и конструктивно да ѝ пристапи на нејзината домашна криза или да ризикува насилни судири.

The Acid Test of Myanmar's Democratic Transition

mar, 03/11/2015 - 17:41
Myanmar will go to the polls on Nov. 8 in what will be a landmark election. The main opposition National League for Democracy party will be contesting nationally for the first time in a generation. And if all goes as expected, next year Myanmar will see its first democratic transfer of power since 1960.

CrisisWatch | Tracking Conflict Worldwide

lun, 02/11/2015 - 19:35
As armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere continued to inflict much suffering and instability around the world, the heads of the UN and International Committee of the Red Cross issued an unprecedented joint warning about the impact of today’s conflicts on civilians and called on states to redouble their efforts to find sustainable solutions to conflicts. Welcoming the call to action, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, President & CEO of the International Crisis Group, said: “It is imperative that the world do much more to respond to early warning signs and prevent wars breaking out in the first place”.

Beware this Macedonian Crisis … It could grow into another Balkan Tragedy

ven, 30/10/2015 - 10:56
As summer ended, Macedonia declared a state of emergency and temporarily closed its borders with Greece and Serbia. The small Balkan nation joined much of Europe in a panicked, poorly considered and awkwardly implemented response to the asylum tragedy. Macedonia is a bit player in that crisis, which is assuming the dimensions of a new Voelkerwanderung – a mass movement of people the scale of which has not been seen on the continent since the Roman Empire crumbled. But as summer turns to fall, Macedonia must quickly and constructively address its own domestic crisis, or risk violent confrontations.
