Rzecznik Praw Dziecka and Others (Suspension de la décision de retour)
EU law precludes national authorities being able, without needing to provide justification, to obtain the suspension of a final decision requiring the return of a child
HYA and Others (Motivation des autorisations des écoutes téléphoniques)
Approximation of laws
A decision authorising telephone tapping need not contain individualised reasons
Tráficos Manuel Ferrer
Actions for damages in respect of infringements of competition law: the relevant EU law does not preclude a national rule according to which, in the event that the claim is upheld in part, costs are to be borne by each party, who therefore bears half of the common costs
Commission v Italy
Law governing the institutions
The Court of Justice confirms the unlawfulness of two EPSO notices of competition restricting the choice of the second language to English, French or German
Belaeronavigatsia v Council
External relations
The General Court confirms the restrictive measures adopted against a State-owned enterprise managing the airspace in Belarus
Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland
Public subsidies paid to denominational private schools may be reserved for churches and religious societies recognised by the Member State concerned
Puig Gordi and Others
Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
An executing judicial authority may not, in principle, refuse to execute a European arrest warrant on the basis that the court called upon to try the requested person in the issuing Member State does not have jurisdiction to do so
Inspecţia Judiciară
External relations
Judicial Disciplinary Bodies: according to Advocate General Collins, EU law precludes national legislation making the Deputy Chief Inspector responsible for overseeing the investigation of complaints against the Chief Inspector
Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti () and génétiques par la police)
Principles of Community law
The systematic collection of biometric and genetic data of any accused person in order for them to be entered in a police record is contrary to the requirement of ensuring enhanced protection with regard to the processing of sensitive personal data
De Capitani v Council
Law governing the institutions
The Council must grant access to documents drawn up within its working groups relating to the legislative procedure concerning the amendment of the directive on the annual financial statements
Unilever Italia Mkt. Operations
Abuse of a dominant position: exclusivity clauses in distribution contracts must be capable of having exclusionary effects
CIHEF and Others
Approximation of laws
The level of harmonisation achieved at EU level by the Biocidal Products Regulation does not prevent Member States from adopting restrictive rules on the promotion of sales of those products
Pesticide Action Network Europe and Others
Agriculture and fisheries
Protection phytosanitaire : les États membres ne peuvent pas déroger aux interdictions expresses de mise sur le marché et d’utilisation de semences traitées à l’aide de produits phytopharmaceutiques contenant des néonicotinoïdes
Udlændingenævnet (Examen linguistique imposé aux étrangers)
Freedom of movement for persons
Danish legislation which makes family reunification between a Turkish worker residing legally in Denmark and his or her spouse subject to the condition that that worker has successfully taken a test demonstrating a certain level of knowledge of Danish constitutes an unlawful 'new restriction'
Airbnb Ireland and Airbnb Payments UK
Short-term property rentals: EU law does not preclude the requirement to collect information or to withhold tax under a national tax regime
Short-term property rentals: EU law does not preclude the requirement to collect information or to withhold tax under a national tax regime
Approximation of laws
The Latvian law banning the advertising of medicinal products on the basis of price, special sales or bundled sales of medicinal products and other products is compatible with EU law.
Generalstaatsanwaltschaft München (Demande d’extradition vers la Bosnie-Herzégovine)
Extradition of a Union citizen to a third State in order for him to serve a sentence in that State may be justified to prevent the risk of impunity
Louboutin (Usage d’un signe contrefaisant sur un marché en ligne)
Intellectual and industrial property
Market Place : Amazon fait elle-même usage du signe enregistré par Louboutin lorsque l’utilisateur de son site a l’impression que c’est elle qui commercialise, en son nom et pour son compte, des escarpins de la marque