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European Security & Defence - Core Documents

András István Türke (ed.)
Selected documents of the common foreign & security policy in Europe (1998-2008)

With the list of Council Joint Actions & Council Decisions (2001-2013)
2013 (English & French Version)

compiled by: András István Türke

The textbook "From St-Malo to Lisbon - Selected documents of the common foreign & security policy in Europe (1998-2008)" presents the 196 most important texts of the ESDP, European Security and Defence Policy (and CSDP - Common Security and Defence Policy, since December 2009). This textbook of CERPESC, with these thematic chapters, is intended to facilitate the study of the most important documents of the ESDP from the EU Informal Summit in Pörtschach to the Treaty of Lisbon, basis of the current CSDP. In some cases our book exceeds voluntary the pre-selected timeline to better present the context and to provide a more comprehensive framework. See for instance the relations between the European Union and the African Union or the processes in the Mediterranean area. The book ends with an extended, but non exhaustive list of Council Joint Actions (2001-2009) and Council Decisions (2010-2013). This documents can be downloaded free from the site of CERPESC (Centre européen de recherche pour la PESC - European Solutions for Defence & Crisis Management ; and the list is updated regulary. This textbook complete and is based on the following book: A. I. Türke : La Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense -Quel bilan après 10 ans? Quelles nouvelles orientations?, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2012.

With French & English documents
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András István Türke (ed.)
Core Documents of the common foreign & security policy in Europe (1947-1997)

2008 (English & French Version)

compiled by: Gergely Varga, Guillaume de Rougé, Benoit Duffort, András István Türke

There are several anthologies, textbooks or databases on the Internet that publish, in their own area or of its own logic, several documents on foreign policy and security in Europe. Our book, From Dunkirk to Amsterdam seeks to bring together, in one book, about fifty texts concerning the European space during the period 1947-1997: treaties, plans, common strategies, reports, documents… The most important European documents (of the NATO, the EPC, the WEU, the EU and the CSCE / OSCE), but also some plans unrealized are collected in chronological order to help understand the interactions between the different forms and structures of the common defense in Europe. We hope that reading or rereading of these texts will facilitate understanding of the debates and issues of CFSP / ESDP today.

With French, English & German documents
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