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The Institute

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter Drucker

Created by the Hungarian Europa Varietas Foundation, and managed actually by the Swiss-based Europa Varietas Association, Europa Varietas Institute is an on-line international research center of policy issues and international relations based on an independent network.

Members of the Institute have recognized expertise in the field of European security and defense, they work as advisers to government, NGOs and businesses in Europa and North-America.

Our researchers have a number of hungarian (MKI - Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, SVKI - Strategic Defense Research Institute ) and foreign research institute, or an external associate of work / have worked, such as Paris, EU ISS (EU Institute for Security Studies) in IRSEM (the French Defense Ministry research institute) or the Western European Union Assembly (inter-parliamentary body of EU Foreign and Security Policy) Defense Committee.

Euro-Atlantic Evenings

This lecture series was inaugurated in 2002, and achieved a popularity that made them a veritable tradition. The main purpose of launching the series was to promote public discourse and awareness on Hungarian foreign policy, Euro-atlantic integration and international relations. During the last decade our selected topics were NATO, CSDP, EU policies, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, USA and China.

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European Solutions for Defence & Crisis Management : Launched in 2006 the CERPESC Project analyse the common european foreign, security & defense policy in a wide historical, geopolitical, geostrategical and legal context with a multidisciplinary and international approach. This CSDP Research Center manage the site with some analyses, databases and folders.

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International News Center for Professionals : Launched in 2012 the EVNC aim to serve the needs of professional researchers and users. Follow up to the regulary updated news of the EU, Central Europe, security policy, peacekeeping, think-tanks (etc.) on one page in English, French, German and Hungarian. The constantly development of our interactive center is based on your feedback.

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